Story- Chapter 2

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     You were already sat at the table when Jim and Harvey came and sat down. "Hiya, boys!" You exclaimed, smiling. "Gotta say, I'm a little surprised you guys are here." They looked at each other suspiciously. "And whys that, Y/L/N?" Jim asked. You shrugged. "I thought you guys weren't gonna come back." You confessed, shrugging.

     "Well we did." Harvey said, rather angry. "Now hurry up, and continue your story." You smiled. "Ahhh, yes. Where was I?" You asked, stroking your fake beard. "You just ended with how you guys meant." Harvey grumbled. "Oh. Well, that part is one of the few, with no violence. Just a warning."

     "So back to the story..." You continued.


     "After that me and Jerome hung out a lot. There were very few moments where we weren't together."

     "Come on, doll." Jerome said, pulling you with him to the common room. "I want to be first in line for breakfast today! I heard they actually had real food!" He exclaimed. When he uttered the words "real food", you immediately began to speed up, causing Jerome to laugh.

     Your feet began to hurt from running in heels, so you stopped in the middle of the hallway. Jerome stopped and looked at you confused. "Fuck it." You said, taking your shoes off, and throwing them down the dark hallway. "We can use them as weapons for later." You whispered, causing him to chuckle darkly. "I like your thinking, princess."

     You guys ran to the common room, and saw about 15 people sitting down, but they all had pancakes. "Yes!" You and Jerome began to jump up and cheer, causing everybody to look at you both.

     You ran up to the food bar, and began decorating your pancakes. They had whipped cream, fruit, syrup, and so much more. "Jerome," You said, causing him to look at you with raised eyebrows. "I think I just came." You both burst out laughing.

     After a minute, Jerome walked behind you, wrapping his arm around your waist. "You forgot, gorgeous." He whispered against your ear. "Only I can make you do that." He walked away to your table, smirking, leaving you a blushing mess.

You walked over and sat across from Jerome, still blushing like crazy. Jerome took one look at you, and began chuckling. "Your face!" He exclaimed. "It looks like the cherries on my pancake!" You began laughing. "Oh, shut up, handsome. We both know my face right now, is nothing compared to your hair." You said. "Ha ha. Very funny." He grumbled, causing you to laugh.

You continued to chat and eat your pancakes, when somebody came and sat next to you.

"It was a boy." You told Jim and Harvey. "He was around our age. He was cute, but I didn't like him like that. I already had feelings for somebody else." You confessed.

"For Jerome." Jim stated. You nodded. "For Jerome..." You mumbled.

"Hi, pretty lady." The boy said, looking at you. "I'm Malcolm." You nodded at him. "I'm Y/N. And this is Jerome." You introduced.

You looked at Jerome and saw the look of anger on his face. You had feelings for Jerome, but you didn't know if he felt the same way. "Hi." Jerome growled. Malcolm nodded at him.

"So," Jerome said, swallowing the pancake in his mouth. "What did you do to get yourself landed in the looney bin?" "Killed my neighbors because they were too loud." He shrugged. You arched your eyebrow at him. What kind of story is that!?

"What 'bout you, pretty lady." "Y/N." You corrected. "Y/N." The boy corrected himself, while Jerome tried to hold in his laughter by shoving pancake in his mouth. You never corrected him when he called you nicknames. "Why are you here?" He asked.

"I killed by abusive, cheating boyfriend and my best friend, for sleeping with him." You said, continuing to eat your pancake. He nodded.

After a moment of silence, you turned to the boy. "Aren't you going to ask Jerome why he's here?" You asked. He looked at you, shocked, but then turned to Jerome, nodding. "Of course. Why are you here?" He asked, embarrassed.

"Killed my mom." He said, smiling. You smirked at Malcolm's face. He looked scared and disgusted. "W-why?" He asked, nervously. "'Cause she was a nagging, drunken, whore that beat me any chance she got."

After awhile, Malcolm stood up to leave. "Well, I gotta go. It was nice meeting you. Maybe we can hang out sometime, Y/N." He stated. "Maybe." You said. "But probably not." You looked up at Malcolm and saw the look of embarrassment.

You heard Jerome burst out laughing. You looked at him and smiled. "Uh. Umm." The boy stuttered. You rolled your eyes. "Bye, Malcolm." And with that he left.

"I remember how happy Jerome looked." You recalled. "He was always happy when I chose him. And I always chose him." "Did he always choose you?" Harvey asked.

You sighed then nodded. "He did." You confessed. "Everybody thought he didn't, that he was using me, but he wasn't. He had feelings for me, too."

"That," Jerome said, pointing to Malcolm walking out of the room. "Was hot." He confessed. You began blushing again. "Awww. Did I get my princess to blush again?" He asked, smiling a genuine smile. You nodded. "Only you Jerome." You said, smiling. He smiled a happy and excited smile. "Only me."


You wiped the tears that began to fall down your cheeks. "Can we, um, can we stop there for today?" You asked. Jim and Harvey nodded. "Yeah." Jim said. "You know Y/N, you're doing really good. Being strong after all of this. You might even get cured." You scoffed, shaking your head. "Trust me, Jimbo. I'll never be cured. Especially after watching him d-."

You couldn't say it. You never could. "I get it." Jim said. "We'll see ya tomorrow, kid." Harvey said when they walked out. You nodded. Great. More alone time.

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