Never Forget

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"I got this for you." You turned around and saw Jerome was holding a small velvet box. "What? No, 'Hi, gorgeous. I missed you today?" Or a kiss?" You teased, smiling. He rolled his eyes and smiled. "Hi, gorgeous. I missed you today." He leaned in and kissed you, causing you to smile. "That's better. Now, what did you get me?" You asked excitedly.

He raised an eyebrow at you, still smiling. He gave you the box and smiled. "I had it specially made just for you," he confessed as you opened it. You gasped as you pulled out a bracelet. It had a heart on it, with a smile in the middle. You looked at the back and saw a little "J" carved in it.

You threw yourself onto Jerome, tackling him to the floor. You kissed him everywhere on his face. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I love it! I'm never gonna take it off!" You exclaimed. He chuckled and sat up with you. "I knew you would. Here, let me put it on you." He grabbed the chain from your hand and slipped it onto your wrist.

You wrapped your arms around him, letting him wrap his arms around your waist. "I love you," you said. You felt him smile. "I love you, too."


"Come on, princess! We have to go! The cops are coming!" Jerome exclaimed, grabbing your hand and pulling you out of the building. You ran down the alleys, leading to the back roads. You and Jerome paused, trying to think of a way to go.

"Y/N! Jerome! Stop!" You turned and saw Jim Gordon aiming a gun at you both with his partner Harvey Bullock and five more cops. Jerome's hand moved up to your lower arm as he pulled you to the left.

You guys ran by many homeless people and stray animals, which Gotham was full of. You could hear the cops begin to fall behind you, which was a good thing. Suddenly, Jerome sped up, your arm slipping through his grasp. You felt your bracelet fall and stopped a couple feet away.

"My bracelet!" You shouted. Jerome was at the end of the road, looking at you. "Leave it! He shouted. "We have to go!" You shook your head. "I promised you I would never take it off."

You turned around and began searching for your bracelet. You heard the footsteps of the cops nearing you. "Y/N!" Jerome shouted. You smiled as you saw the gleam of your bracelet. "I found it!" You exclaimed.

Before you could get it, the cops reached the street, their guns pointed at you both. You looked at them before diving for your bracelet. You heard a shot go off and then a piercing pain went through your chest. You cried out in pain, but you couldn't hear it over Jerome's yelling. "Y/N!"

You fell onto your back, not being able to move. Your hearing suddenly went away and everything was moving super fast, or maybe super slow; you couldn't tell. You felt your head being lifted up. You looked up and saw Jerome, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Stay with me," he said, but it sounded muffled like you were underwater. The pain in your chest was beginning to burn and you wanted to cry, but you couldn't. "Doll!"

You looked up and saw that he was crying even more and Jim was now next to him. You smiled seeing that they weren't fighting and actually trying to help you. You looked to the side and saw your bracelet. You leaned over and grabbed it. When you looked back at Jerome and Jim, you saw Jim's eyes were wide. He must have shot you thinking you were going for a weapon.

"Put.... Put it on me," you managed to say. Jerome shakily grabbed the bracelet and slipped it onto your wrist. He brought your hand to his mouth and kissed it. You smiled. "You'll be fine, Jerome. You need to..." You paused and licked your lips. Your mouth was super dry, making it hard to talk. You felt the air slowly leaving your lungs.

"You need to make sure you just keep doing you. Don't... Don't let-" You stopped as you knew your time left here was very limited. Jerome's sobs came louder and you felt pressure being applied to your chest. You saw Jim had taken off his jacket and was trying to stop the bleeding. You felt like you've been laying here for hours, but it couldn't have been more than two minutes.

You pulled your hand out of Jerome's grip and ran your hand through his hair. He closed his eyes and continued to sob. "Look at me," you ordered. He opened his eyes and you saw the green-blue orbs of his were shining from the tears.

"I love you. Don't forget that. Never forget that," you said. He nodded. "I love y-you, too." You nodded and used the rest of your might to pull up and kiss him. You felt his tears land on your mouth, but ignored them. You looked him in the eyes and smiled. "G-Goodbye, Jerome."

Jerome Valeska Imagines Where stories live. Discover now