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     You sat at your desk, going over some files, as there was a knock on the door. "Come in!" You shouted. You dropped your pen and groaned. You leaned down to get it just as your guests walked in.

"Patient is here, doc," the guard called. You looked around for your only pen, not seeing it anywhere. The only time you come unprepared. "Sit them down. I just have to get my pen," You informed. You saw the inmate's feet shuffle to the chair. You looked at the foot of the chair and saw your pen. Right as you reached to grab it, the patient picked it up with their pale hand.

"Looking for this?" They asked. You slowly came up, making eye contact with the patient. You remembered his ginger hair, pale skin, and bright smile from the news. He stared at you with a dropped jaw. You looked at the guard and sat back in your chair. "You can wait outside."

The guard nodded and left, closing the door behind him. You leaned over and took the pen from the boy's hand. "Thank you. You may take a seat." You motioned to the chair. He sat down and stared at you in awe. "Aren't you a little young to be working here?" He asked. You smiled. "Aren't you a little young to be locked up in here?"

He shrugged. "I won't be here for much longer," he said. You nodded. "Leaving so soon, are we?" You asked. He chuckled. "You're funny. I like that. Most doctors would just throw me into the electroshock therapy room by now, Dr. Y/L/N," he said, looking at your name tag.

You frowned. "I thought they didn't use that," you said. He rolled his eyes. "They use it quite often actually." You nodded as you read a little bit more of his file. "So, why kill your mother?" You asked. He chuckled. "Straight to the point. That's good. But the real question is, why not?"

You raised an eyebrow. "Not everyone wants to live a life of crime," You said. He slouched. "How boring. Sitting at a desk everyday, getting to listen to the fascinating lives of those who are free, while you sit in your own cage," he said. You looked at him in confusion. "What cage?"

He smirked and leaned in close. "The one in your mind. The one you call sanity." You decided to go along with his little game. It was quite entertaining. You smiled and leaned in so your faces were only a couple inches away. "Funny, isn't it?" You asked. "What's funny?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. Your smile widened. "You're saying being sane keeps me in a constant cage, but being insane leads you into one anyway. Guess it's a lose-lose situation, huh?"

He smirked. "I never said I was insane. Only, that I'm not sane," he said, waving his finger around. You raised an eyebrow with an amused smile. "Isn't that the same thing?" He chuckled. "That depends on how small minded you are." You took notes of the mind tricks he was trying to play.

     You listened to him for the rest of the hour. Jerome was quite funny, and didn't seem like he was truly evil like everybody else in the asylum, but you could tell there was more to him than what he was letting on.

"Thank you for your time, Mr. Valeska-" he shook his head. "It's Jerome. Mr. Valeska... is too formal. I don't like it." You nodded. "Well, Thank you for your time, Jerome. I think I have learned quite enough for today."

"Well, that's great an all... for you, but I have yet to learn a single thing about you. Except for the fact that you have a great sense of humor," he said with a wide smile. You stared at him with bewilderment. He was really something else, but no other man had ever wanted to actually learn anything about you. Except for what your body looked like.

You finally gave in and smiled, leaning your head onto your fist. "What do you want to know?" You asked. His smile widened, which you didn't think would be possible without tearing his face up. "What's your name, gorgeous?" He asked. Your cheeks heated up at the pet name. You mentally scolded yourself. Why were you letting your patient get to you? He knew exactly how to manipulate you, and you were being dumb enough to let him.

You forced a straight face and looked at him. "Dr. Y/L/N." He rolled his eyes. "Don't get all boring on me now, princess. What's your first name?" He asked. You sighed. This was probably going to be a mistake. Scratch that. This was definitely going to be a mistake.

"Y/N," you said. His smile grew back onto his face. "Y/N," he mumbled, trying it out. You noticed the way is just rolled off of his tongue. It sounded like pure chocolate, making you shiver. What was wrong with you? You mentally slapped yourself. "I like it. It's rolls off of the tongue nicely."

You nodded as the guard walked in. "Time's up," the guard announced. You nodded as he walked over to Jerome. Jerome stared at you as he was handcuffed. Suddenly, you made a split-second decision that you already regretted. "If Mr. Valeska is having any problems, bring him to me. I don't want to hear about him, or anybody else, getting the 'special treatment'. If I hear one word about him even going near that room, I'll call my uncle."

The guard nodded. "Who's your uncle, princess?" Jerome asked. You turned to him. "Jim Gordon." He smirked. "Of course! The king of the GCPD. Oh, we are going to have so much fun together, princess!" He shouted as he was dragged out. As soon as the guard and him exited, you let the smile grow on your face. He thought you were a princess....

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