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     Coldness. That's all you felt. That's all you've been feeling for the last year. Your body was now forever stiff, and as cold as winter. You couldn't talk, move, or even see anything. It was like you were falling down a never ending black hole, but honestly, that would be better than just sitting in nothingness.

     There was nobody there. Nobody to talk to or to just feel the comfort of not being alone, because you were alone. You couldn't make a sound or move an inch. You've tried, but it hasn't worked. No rubbing your hands together to create heat, or being able to run around. You were stuck in a ball. A ball of your own body and a ball of your own sadness.

     That wasn't even the scariest part. The scariest part was that it wasn't ever going to end. This was your life now. Well, your afterlife anyway. Or so you thought.


     "Is she awake?" You heard a voice ask. A voice? No, that wasn't possible. You hadn't been able to hear people in a year. What was happening? "I think she almost is," another  voice said, as if they were surprised. "Wow! You actually fucking did it! It worked," You heard somebody say. "You should probably get the boss," the second voice said. "He's gonna want to be here when she wakes up." You heard footsteps and then a door opening and slamming shut.

     You tried moving, but you were stuck; frozen. You kept trying to move, but it wasn't working. "Come on now. Wake up!" The person said. "You need to get up sooner rather than later." You were quickly growing annoyed. "I would if I fucking could!" You said in your head. "Holy shit! You're up!" The person exclaimed. Did you just talk!? Holy shit, you did!

     You opened your eyes, then abruptly closed them from the pain of the light. You let them adjust before opening again. You looked around and saw that you were in a dark room with a light shining down on you. You looked around and saw many... things. There was a lot of weird shit, and you could tell that you were in an abandon building. You looked to your right and saw a man hovering over you.

     "Woah man! You need to back up. Personal space," you said. He nodded. "Sorry! I just can't believe you're up!" You nodded. "Me either. Anyway, where am I?" You asked as you began to sit up. You swung your feet over the side of whatever you were on. You looked down and saw it was a metal operation table. Great. "Gotham City?" He said as if he was asking. You rolled your eyes. "Where in Gotham City?" He nodded.

     "Oh! Well, we're in one of the abandon buildings downtown," he said. You nodded again before standing up. You stumbled due to your legs not being used in, what felt like, forever. The man caught you and helped you stand up. "Do you remember anything?" He asked. You stopped to think for a moment. What do you remember?

     "I'm Y/N Y/L/N. I am a member on the Maniax. I went to Arkham for the murder of my abusive uncle, that was my legal guardian, who also tried to rape me many times. And that's about it at the moment," I said. He nodded and looked at me. "There's a lot that you need to be filled in on, but maybe we should wait for-" the door slammed against the wall, causing you and the man to both look at the door. You saw a man dressed as a clown with a Mohawk, and girl dressed as a clown with pigtails, and a ginger boy with a huge scar all around his face. He looked familiar, but you couldn't quite remember.

     He held his arms out. "You did it, Dwight," the ginger said. Dwight? Who was Dwight? "You brought my princess back to life," he said, grabbing your hand and kissing it. You let him, but pulled back when he was done. "Do I know you?" You asked. The boy looked up at you with a shocked look. "And whose Dwight?" You asked. The man that was in the room with you raised his hand. "That would be me," he said. You nodded then looked at the boy to see that he still looked shocked, as did everybody else in the room.

     "You don't remember me?" He asked. You paused before shaking your head. "You look familiar, but I can't remember," you said. He nodded sadly. "Well, I'm-" he said before you cut him off. "Wait! I wanna figure it out! I'm sure I can... soon enough," you said. He nodded. "Well, for now, call me... Joker." You cocked your head to the side. "Is that your name?" He shook his head. You looked at the girl and saw her staring at Joker. You didn't know why, but it caused anger to boil up inside of you.

     "Well, there's not a lot I can tell you until you remember me, sooooo," he said, dragging out the "o". The blonde put her arm around the boy. "Maybe if she doesn't remember, we can have some fun," she said, trying to be seductive, but failing miserably. Finally, you snapped. You grabbed on of the blonde's pigtails and yanked her over to you. Then, you punched her in the face, causing her to fall to the floor. "Don't you dare put your filthy hands on Jerome like that," you spat. You looked at the boy and saw him grinning from ear to ear. "You remember," he said. Your eyes widened. "I do! You're Jerome Valeska! And damn are you cute!" You shouted. "Your girlfriend is one lucky girl!" He began chuckling, causing you to look at him in confusion. "What? What is it?" You asked.

     He kept laughing for a good few minutes before turning to you. "You are my girlfriend," he said. Your eyes widened again. "I am? I am!" You exclaimed in realization. You smiled before jumping on him, wrapping your arms around his neck in a hug. It took him a moment to hug back since he wasn't expecting that, but when he did, you could feel his excitement. You guys stayed like that for a moment before Dwight coughed. You both pulled away and looked at him.

     "Shouldn't we fill her in, sir?" He asked. Jerome nodded. "Yes, but first, you need to get dressed," he said, pointing at your body. You looked down and saw that you were only in underwear and a bra, the rest of your body was left exposed. You nodded and followed Jerome to the bathroom.


     "Wait! So we were both killed by Theo Galavan?" You asked. Jerome nodded. "Yep!" He said, popping the "p". "And he stabbed you in the throat," you said, pointing to the scar on his neck. "And stabbed me in my stomach? Multiple times?" You asked, looking at your stomach where there were many stab scars. He nodded. "Well fuck," you said. Jerome nodded. "And he died, then came back to life, then died again, so there's no way for us to win this," You said. Jerome held a finger up. "Brucie is still alive," he pointed out. "And Jimbo." You began bouncing up and down. "And with this huge power outage you just caused..." you said and he nodded. "It's time for us to show Gotham that the King and Queen, are back," he said, standing up and holding his arm out for you to take. "I believe it is, your sire," you said, standing up and taking his arm.

He looked at you and smiled. "I love you so fucking much," he said. You blushed. "I love you too, J!" And with that, you two went and caused hell in Gotham. Well, until Jerome got his face punched off by Jim Gordon and got you two sent back to Arkham. But hey! You guys were together again, so who cares?

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