The Truth Comes Out

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"Come on, Scarlet!" I shouted to my little sister. "I'm trying, Ace!" She sassed back. She was far enough back that all I could see was her ginger hair up in a pony tail. "We shouldn't have brought her," my friend, Hudson, said. Hudson, Scarlet, and I were quite big around the city. Our parents were kind of famous I guess you could say.

     Hudson was the son of Oswald Cobblepot, also known as the Penguin. Scarlet and I were the children of the Joker and Harley Quinn. We were on our way to find out who our parents were before they were the Joker and Harley. Our parents always told us that my mother was a psychiatrist at Arkham and fell in love with our dad, but that was bullshit and we all knew it. Harleen Quinzel never existed, and we were gonna prove it.

     "Finally," Hudson said as my 15 year old sister caught up to us. Hudson was 17, as was I. We met when we were little and became best friends over our disliking for that nosy little prick, Declan, the son of Edward Nigma. He was just like his father, and my father and Oswald didn't like him very much.

"Oh Hudson, I would like to see you try and run after Ace, but I guess you can't with your leg," she smiled. Hudson glared at her. He was born with a leg defect, and hated when people made fun of it. "It's not fun to make fun of people, ginger," he spat, but she only giggled. "Whatever, birdie." You shook your head. "Can you guys stop fighting? We have to make it to the warehouse and back before midnight, and it's already five!" I shouted. They both glared at each other before following me.

We continued to walk for what felt like days. The warehouse we were going to, was in a little town outside of Gotham. There, all the criminals of Gotham hid things that they didn't want to ever be found again. For instance, Edward wanted people to forget about Miss. Kringle, so he hid everything he had of hers there.

After about another 2 hours of walking, we reached the warehouse. There were only 4 men walking around the perimeter, so we had to sneak in. We climbed through the vents and, somehow, made it inside. I knew that all of the stuff was in the basement, so we snuck down there.

Everything was locked up in separate vaults. There was one with a giant question mark on it for the Rider, one with an umbrella for Penguin, one with 5 tally marks for Zsasz, and so many more. We finally saw the one that had a smiley face on it for our father, and one with a diamond on it for our mother.

We opened the our father's and mother's at the same time. I opened dad's while Scarlet opened Mom's. They both had the same comb that we found in their offices at home.


The vaults opened at the insides were what surprised you most. There were boxes upon boxes. "All I got are some boxes!" I yelled to Scar. "Same here!" She yelled back. "Well then we better get started!" I instructed.

I went through my father's boxes, only finding old weapons and outfits. For hours it went like that. I was getting towards he end when I saw a certain box that caught my eye. It was a black box and all over it was written, "Top Secret: Open if You Want To Die". Wow, so original. I opened the box and found old news articles. Before I went any farther, I called Hudson and Scarlet in. "I found something!" They came running in and joined me on the ground.

We read the new articles together. Some were about a group called the Maniax, some about a cult, and some about a murder at the circus. The only thing they had in common was two people: Jerome Valeska and Y/N Y/L/N.

"Who are they?" I asked. Scarlet shrugged, but Hudson's mouth hung open. "What is it?" I asked. "My dad told me stories about them all the time. They grew up with each other at Haley's Circus. They were both abused by their parent: Y/N her dad and Jerome his mom. They ended up killing them and went to Arkham. After, they were broken out by Theo Galavan and started the Maniax.

"During that time, Theo killed Jerome, leaving Y/N a psychotic and depressed mess. A year after Jerome's death, he was brought back to life by some cult that was following him. They tortured the city before Jim Gordon arrested them and sent them back to Arkham. That's where they met my dad. Soon after that, they broke out again and worked with my dad for awhile. A couple years later, they just disappeared and were never seen again," He revealed.

Me and Scarlet looked at each other before turning back to the box. At the bottom were 6 pictures. The first was a ginger little boy and a Y/H/C haired little girl sitting next to each other with their arms around one another. I looked at the next picture and it was the same boy and girl except now they were older, around 15. They were next to a sign for Haley's Circus, and you could see a man and a woman talking in the back.

     The third picture was them again, but now they were around 18 and you could see bruises peaking out from underneath their clothing, but they were looking at each other as if they were the only people there. They were smiling despite the obvious abuse they were receiving.

     The fourth picture was a photo of them except now the ginger had a huge scar around his whole face, as if it had been cut off. The fifth was a picture of them with Oswald. I looked at Hudson and saw the look of shock on his face.

The sixth and final picture was a photo of the ginger holding a baby while the lady had her arms around him. They were both looking down at the baby with love and adoration. It was in that moment that I realized who it was. Me.

     I shoved the pictures into my coat pocket before turning back to them. "That's them. They have to be your guys' parents," Hudson said. You looked at Scarlet and nodded. "He's right." Scarlet looked at the floor wide eyed. "Holly shit! Out parents are Jerome Valeska and Y/N Y/L/N!"

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