Ghost- Part 6

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When you woke up, Jerome was long gone, and all traces of him being there were erased. All except for the two cups he had cleaned and left out to dry. You stared at them in thought while your parents talked about god knows what.

Why had Jerome come to your house last night? And what did he mean when he said he didn't know why you couldn't be friends again? It was obvious, wasn't it?

"Y/N!" Your dad shouted, causing you to jump. "Yes?" You answered, turning to him. He rolled his eyes. "Your mother and I are going to another outing with our friends. We're going to be out until morning. I expect this house to be cleaned. Got that?" He asked. You nodded and grabbed your back pack. "Of course. See you both later!"


You walked through the halls, and couldn't help, but notice that Jerome wasn't here. You tried to shrug it off, but it just kept bugging you. Finally, the end of the day came, and you found a way to ignored it.

When you returned home, your parents had already left, leaving you to the house. The house was already clean, since you had cleaned it last night before your study session, and Jerome showing up.

You placed the two cups away, thankful that it was Friday. It had been a long couple of weeks, and summer was just around the corner. In a couple of months, you would be done with school and far away.

You were knocked out of your thoughts by the sound of your door opening. You stiffened up in fear. Hadn't you locked it? You began to inch your way to the living room to see who had broken in. You grabbed a knife, preparing yourself to attack the intruder.

Once you reached the room, you saw a hooded figure begin to tiptoe towards the staircase. You ran towards them, raising the knife. They turned to you, and quickly pushed away your futile attempts to stab them. You looked at their face, and saw that it was Jerome. Again.

You stared at him in annoyance and threw the knife onto the coffee table. "What in the actual hell are you doing here!? You can't just barge into my house unannounced! Or at all!" You exclaimed. You noticed that he seemed different. He smiled wide, reminding you of when he would smile like that as a child.

"Y/N/N! Just the cutie I was looking for!" He exclaimed. You furrowed your eyebrows at him. "What do you mean?" You asked. He continued to smile as he stepped closer to you, leaving only a couple inches of space in between you.

"Last night, you made me realize something. You made me realize that I was living a total lie!" He confessed. You couldn't help, but shiver at his words. There was something wrong. You could tell.

"I took your words to heart, doll. I really did. Good thing, too, because I've figured out where I went wrong!" He continued. He grabbed your shoulders, and pulled you to him. You stared at him in fear, not knowing what to expect. "Jerome, are you high?" You asked, trying to escape his grip.

He let out a bone chilling, maniacal laughter. You stopped all movement, and stared at him with wide eyes. He had never made that sound before. "Oh, princess! You are so silly! I missed that about you. Actually, I missed everything about you. That's why I'm here!"

He let go of you and began pacing the room, back and forth. "I know you have a lot of questions, so, I'm just going to tell you the whole story," he told you. You hesitantly nodded, and took a seat. You watched him pace, as he began to tell his story.

"I've finally realized that the reason why I pushed you away and let the popularity overcome me was because I was scared!" He confessed. You knitted your eyebrows. "Of what?" You asked. He stopped and turned to you. "You!" He exclaimed, pointing to you.

"You see, I've always had this crush on you, ever since we were little. It only grew stronger as we grew older, and I was scared of how you would react. So, I thought that putting some distance between us would end it, and I would be free of the feeling, but it didn't help at all. I only felt worse. I felt like I had lost the only thing I truly wanted and needed," he explained.

You listened to his confession in silence, not knowing what to say. He must be going mad. Finally, you found the words. "You had multiple girlfriends," you pointed out. He stopped and stared at you, before joining you on the couch. "That was just another way for me to try and block you out, but I couldn't!"

"Jerome, why are you here?" You asked sternly. He stared at you with wide eyes. He seemed to be looking for something in you, but you didn't know what. It was probably long gone by now. "Remember how you said we would run away together one day?" He asked.

You nodded at the memory. "Yeah." He suddenly was very serious. "Let's do it," he said. Your jaw dropped in shock. "You can't be serious," you said. He nodded his head and grabbed your hands. "I am! Just you and me, gorgeous. Just like we planned!"

"Jerome, we haven't talked to each other in four years. Why do you want to run away with me all of a sudden?" You pressed on. He gulped. "I did something bad, Y/N. If I don't leave, I'm going to get in a lot of trouble. I want you to come with me so we can finally live the life that we wanted. The life we dreamed of together!" He confided. You stared at him in slight fear.

     "What did you do?" You asked slowly, not really wanting to hear the answer. He stared at you, not answering right away. "Jerome," you said sternly. "I can't tell you here, but I can show you."

     Jerome stood up and held his hand out for you. You stared at it as if you were in a movie. This Jerome wasn't the one you were best friends with, but it also isn't the one that abandoned you four years ago. This Jerome seemed much darker, like a mix of the two.

Slowly, you grabbed Jerome's hand, and let him drag you out of your house.

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