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"Remember, we'll be gone for the week, no parties or any strangers. Remember to look after each other and if you stay in your rooms all week, at least clean them." Mom lectures me and my brother as Dad takes their luggage to their car. I smile and nod, like if let my idiot brother throw a party, and like I'd host a party. I'd have to socialize with strangers.

"Yes ma'am." I say handing her her keys. She rolls her eyes and kisses the top of my forehead. She does the same with my brother before giving us a tight hug.

"Are you two sure you'll be fine alone all week? I can still have one of your grandparents pick you up." Mom asks looking in our eyes. I smile and nod, Julia would be at Mama's and I don't want to bother Grandma and Grandpa, and I like being alone.

"We'll be fine Mom, I promise that we'll remember to eat and everything. No need to worry." I remind her for the millionth time. "You and Dad deserve some married couple time, and I know I'm not getting siblings, so we're all good." I laugh looking mom over. I miss her long hair, but she likes it this way, so her short thin curly hair will have to do. Dad comes through the door.

"No burning down the house." Dad reminds. Zack rolls his eyes as both me and him give dad a hug.

"Yes sir." My brother says letting go and stepping back. I follow his lead and step back. Dad's beard is practically silver with blotches in his hair too.

"Bye Mom, bye Dad, I promise that the place won't burn." I call as they leave out the door. "So, Zack, wanna hang out?" I ask turning his way. There in his spot is nothing. Loser, I hear his door slam shut, whatever, I'm hungry. I head into the kitchen before pulling out a pizza, still a whole thing.

I take it with me as I go in my room. I'm a thirteen year old who loves to eat, and I don't want to bother myself with leaving my room and socializing. Especially when I plan on staying in my room, music blaring, and cleaning my room.

Grabbing my phone, I hook it up to a pair of headphones and set the box in my closet. I get busy working as I listen to indie music. Just as I finish up in my room, I hear a knock at my door.

"Yeah Zack?" I question as I open my door. He has a calm face, oh no, what does he want? "Let me guess, you accidentally invited some friends over for a party, and now you're having a party." I ask before he can speak. He nods mutely. "Well, whatever, just no one goes in my room and no breaking shit. And you'll be cleaning up, not me." I sigh. He looks nervous for a second.

"You're invited too you know, just lock all the doors and take the keys. Also, make sure that you look nice, nothing too revealing." Zack warns me. I nod and shrug.

"Fine, don't get drunk, or a girl pregnant." I sigh grabbing the keys from my drawer. Zack huffs but I ignore is hormonal butt as I lock the doors, and head back into my lair. I put on a simple v-neck and a pair of jeans that are tight, I really need to shop.

I put on a bit of makeup just as the people arrive. Staying in my room, I wait until the party's in full swing before coming out. I see that the furniture has disappeared and only a table with punch and chips remain. People grind on each other as a DJ plays a remix of some song. Locking my door, I slip into the crowd. Since my brother's a popular sixteen year old, there's all kinds of people, ranging from freshman and senior year, to even some college guys.

"Hey everybody! May I have your attention please!" I hear my brother's voice say, he sounds drunk, he must've drank the punch. He's wearing a dress shirt and there's lipstick stains on his collar, real classy Zack. "I would like everyone to meet my baby sister who's only thirteen, about to be fourteen, Rose! Everyone say hi to Rose! She's right there in the black shirt and ripped jeans!" Really Jack?! Everyone turns to me, must give a drunken high before going back to what they were doing.

"Hey there kid, you look pretty." I stiffen as a stranger wraps their arm around my shoulders, one below my boobs, the other on my stomach. A head also snuggles into my neck. "You look nice, your ass looks so big, I could just take a bite outta ya." The drunk says. I look to see that he's a big dude with blonde hair he's noticeably drunk, I can smell it on him. I try not to punch him, I'm out numbered.

"Who are you?" I ask as he pulls me closer.

"I'm your new boyfriend, Justin." The blonde chuckles before dancing with me in a very awkward a position. I roll my eyes, like I'd date him, he's probably a senior or something.

"Get off of me!" I warn trying to shake out of his grip. Failing I look around, we somehow ended up in a corner, dang it. He only chuckles and tightens his grip on me. "I said get off!" I yell trying again, no one looks this way. He laughs more and grips tighter. It feels like I can't breathe anymore, like my spines about to be broken.

"Hey! Let go of her!"

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