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It's finally Friday. I quickly throw my book bag to the floor and race to my closet, stripping as I go. I look at my clothes, wishing I had a crop top or something. I pull out a black top with straps galore and a pair of high waisted light jeans. I look in the mirror.

"He'd have too much fun with me wearing this and it is cold." I mutter as I fix my pants. I pull out my favorite cardigan. I grab a purse and shrink my outfit into a sandwich baggie just in case. I slide on a pair of heels and look at my curls. They are actually not only behaving but also looking nice. I do my makeup, keeping it natural.

"Someone looks more beautiful than usual. Glad I came early, how you doing babe?" Jake's voice purrs making me turn sharply. Standing there is Jake himself, standing with a smirk gracing his features. I throw a textbook at him, feeling my cheeks burn.

"Jake, I could've been changing, you pervert!" I spit making him laugh.

"You like that." Jake winks pulling me in by the waist. I roll my eyes and let him pull me, not caring about how cute he is or how warm he is.

"Let's just go, you're paying." I warn looking up at him. Only to find him staring back at me. I feel my feet leave the floor before I'm set down in an ally. Jake leads me out and towards the café. I go to my favorite seat and look to Jake as we wait.

"So, Cobra is planning something. I don't know what it is but I think you'll need to know so you be one step ahead." Jake warns making me internally sigh. Of course he just wants to talk about Cobra on our date. That's totally fine, it's totally not like I wanted to get to know how he's been since we were kids, if he goes to school.

"Well I guess I'll be on the look out, so anything you'd like to talk about?" I ask leaning forward a bit. Jake raises an eyebrow clueless. I sigh and call over a waiter. A familiar face comes over.

"Hey Rose, how've you been?" Leo, an admittedly attractive guy from my class, asks. I smile up at him.

"Good, did you do that homework from Watcher's?" I ask tilting my head a bit. Leo's eyes travel a bit South but I act like I don't notice.

"Yeah, so how about you tell me what you want and we can talk." Leo says still looking at my chest.

"You know, I'm here too." Jake says speaking up. Leo glares at him but nods.

"I'll have the Oreo milkshake and some fries." I order smiling. Leo smirks a bit and gives me a wink. I resist the urge to roll my eyes and look over to Jake. He looks calm, oh no.

"I'll have the don't stare at my date's boobs sandwich, a chocolate milkshake and some fries as well." Jake snaps with a wide smile on his face. Leo jumps back at how low Jake spoke and goes away.

"Well that escalated quickly." I mutter looking back at my date who looks like he's ready to murder Leo. Jake leans over the table, pulling me by the neck and roughly kissing me. I kiss back with equal roughness. We stay lip locked until we're interrupted by the sound of a throat clearing. Jake releases me with a smirk and some of my lipstick on his lips.

"Here's your order." Leo mumbles giving us our food. I smile at my food, taking a lick at the whipped cream.

"Did you not see how he was flirting with you?" Jake asks. I shrug and look up at him. I stir the milkshake, getting the whipped cream to mix in the drink.

"If I snapped every time someone stared at my boobs or flirted with me, I'd never have time to do anything. You do realize this right? How messed up this world is. Sometimes I'll get a free meal though." I sigh looking up at him. He looks really upset.

"I don't like it, I want to punch him." Jake growls, glaring at Leo. I give him a kiss and quickly go back to my food, eating. Jake looks to me in shock. "You just-" I smirk, nodding to cut him off.

"After all the times you did it, besides you were talking too much." I tease giving him a playful wink. He eats grumpily so I eat my own food. When we finish he pays and we leave, heading to the park. We walk in silence, hands together and bodies close.

"You know, you're weird." Jake speaks up as we sit on a bench. I laugh a bit to myself and lean on him.

"So are you, your point?" I ask, brushing a curl out of my face. I feel his hands run through my hair as we sit.

"I mean that you're the rudest, bluntest, meanest, b*txh I have ever met." Jake smirks. I turn to face him, putting my legs on his lap and staring him down.

"Thanks, you know, if you though that, could've told me before the date." I say dryly. He pouts a bit and blows me a kiss. I flip him off only to make him gasp dramatically before smirking.

"You know you love me."

"Excuse me? What is this love you speak of? I've never heard of it." I question confused, looking around. What is this love he speaks of? That hobo must be love.

"Baby, I'm hurt." Jake gasps clutching his heart dramatically. I snort, giving him a non-entertained look.

"Don't call be baby, ever. I will harm you." I threaten. Jake holds his hands up in surrender and smiles. My walls fall for a moment, letting me stretch this millisecond for three minutes, his beautiful smile and how he seems so at ease. Snapping back to reality I see we're in my room.

"See you later princess, I need to get more information on Cobra." Jake smirks. I flip him off as he disappears into thin air.

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