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"Cobra wants you dead to put is simply. They know about us and they especially don't like you. They are basically like HYDRA except they're better and want to take over the world, but you are the only thing that can ruin their plans." Jake says as I slide on my pants and tank top.

"What about you?" I call as I put on my hood. I hear his laugh on the other side of my door making me open it I'm curiosity.

"Rose, all I can do is run away without running. You think I'm going to make that big of a difference?" Jake says leaning on my bed post. I roll my eyes and put on my boots.

"Sure, now, you want to help me with my mask?" I ask narrowing my eyes at him. He gives me a crooked smile and takes the copper mask from my hands and goes behind me. I feel him tie it before wrapping his arms around my waist. "Jake, now is not the time, my classmates may be getting murdered right now." I growl plucking him off me with little effort.

"Oh, one more thing, they have supers like the ones we saw the other week." Jake says unfazed by my powers. I set him down gently, letting him get his footing back. "So, you ready to fight some bad people?" He asks with a smirk. I offer my hand to him, letting him pull me close. I close my eyes before I'm hit with the stench of the ocean and garbage. Opening my eyes I see we're at the port behind a few crates. Looking over said crates I see a warehouse.

"Wow, they are so original in where they kidnap people." I mutter sarcastically. Jake snorts before pulling me back down. He hands me a gun. "Take it, I can move things with my mind, and I have super speed and strength. I'll be just fine without a fucking gun." I say kicking the crates over. As if on cue, we're shot at by the agents making me speed around, dodging the bullets.

"Hey! Little help here Black Rose!" Jake yells making me smirk at the name he gave me.

"I wonder what ever the teleporter will do!" I yell stopping only to be tackled to the ground by an agent. I buck my hips up and to the left, making him fly off of me. Standing up, I feel something graze my bicep. Looking up I see the other agents. "You wanna piece of me?" I growl. They start shooting again so I throw them into the ocean. Looking back to the door I see an amused looking Jake, leaning against the door.

"You know, you look hot when you're pissed off." Jake smirks giving me a wink. Ignoring the blush that burns shamelessly, I open the door and creep in. Jake slides in with me. (Sliding into them DMs like, sorry I had to.) "What's the plan?" Jake asks as I scan the area. There's only twenty or so guards, my classmates sit tied together in the corner, blindfolded and gagged.

"Simple, I attack and you get them out of here." I say coming out. The guards turn to me, guns raised. "Hello boys and girls, name's Rose, Black Rose. So I suggest you let the kids go, unless you want to rumble?" I threaten. Of course the Cobra agents choose to shoot at me. I roll my eyes as a pair of arms warp around me and I'm teleported to the other side of the room.

I quickly take hold of as many agents as I can and knock them out. A knife is shoved into my thigh making my turn. I grab my attacker by the neck and put him in front of me as a shield. He struggles under my grip before one of his companions shoots him in the heart. I let go, his body crumbling after him.

"You might want to hurry Blake Rose." Jake warns. I look over to see the hostages all gone.

"Thanks, I didn't realize." I yell sarcastically as I pick one up and throw him into his friends like a bowling ball. They fall and I know K them out easily. I pick up the last one who clings to his gun. I throw the gun into the ocean.

"Who's your leader and what do you people want with me and Jake?" I ask sharply. He laughs before bitting down on something.

"Cobra will win." The man says before he starts foaming at the mouth. I tie together all the men with chains and to a pole that looks sturdy enough. I send an anonymous tip to the police where these people are and dispose of the dead, weapons and any traces of my DNA.

"Didn't know you could pick liquid out from the ground, that's pretty cool." Jake says as I finish. I turn to look at him. I stand next to the men and smirk at him.

"Guess that means I'm more powerful than you, huh hot stuff?" I tease with a smirk. He rolls his eyes and grabs me by the waist, pulling me close.

"How about a date, me and you, Friday at that Cafe you like so much. Come at five, it'll be on me." Jake says stealing a kiss. The sound of sirens fill the air. Just before they come in, Jake takes us to my room.

"Thanks for the lift." I say turning to look at him, only to find him gone. "Coward." I change into pajamas and go into my bathroom. I pull out a needle and thread as well as rubbing alcohol. I pull off my shirt, stuffing it in my mouth before disinfecting my stab wound. I let out a muffled scream but continue disinfecting. I carefully stitch myself up, making sure my hands are steady. I disinfect it one more time. I place a bandage on the wound before heading downstairs. There cooking is Pops, he's got mashed potatoes and chicken going.

"Hey pumpkin, I was just about to call you down, set the table would you?" Pops says. I nod and obey with ease. "Some of your classmates got kidnapped, did you hear?" I look to Pops in confusion as I grab our plates.

"Really, are they okay?" I ask playing dumb. Pops gives me a look as he turns off the stove top.

"I thought you didn't like them." Pops prompts. I roll my eyes dramatically as I set the plates down. I grab the utensils, placing them down.

"Doesn't mean I want them dead. Besides, one of them owns me money." I laugh a bit. Pops let's out a snort as he brings over the food. I serve myself a good helping, hungry from all the powers I used.

"So, how're your classes going?" Pops asks making me shrug as I eat some mashed potatoes. I smile at the taste.

"Meh, kinda easy but not easy easy." The only reason it's easy is because I already learned most of this stuff in the future/my timeline. Pops nods and starts eating. We finish with only making a bit of small talk. Finishing up I take our dishes ad start washing them with Pops watching me. Just as he's about to talk, his phone goes off. I don't bother listening, instead washing. Just when I finish, Pops hangs up.

"That was work, they need me to take a last minute business trip for about a week. I'm sorry, I promise I'll make it up to you." Pops sighs glaring at his phone a bit.

"It's fine, go kick butt or whatever I'm supposed to say." I smile. Pops laughs, giving me a kiss on the head.

"Thanks pumpkin, love you." Pops calls going to his room.

"Love you too Pops." I yell after him. At least now I won't have to explain my date with Jake.

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