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On my fifteenth birthday, it's just me and Pops. We head to Hillary's BBQ, the first barbecue Pops ever took me to. After the shift as I call it, I didn't see a point in a quinceañera, I mean, I'm not very social and it wouldn't be the same. Pops doesn't know this though, and he doesn't need to.

He's an amazing Pops, he's teaching me how to drive, puts me in fighting classes and is just awesome. I know he's keeping a secret from me, just like I know what that secret is, SHIELD.

I open the door and lock the car and look over at Pops. He told me that he has a surprise for me tonight, I wonder if he's going to tell me. We head into the barbecue, sitting in the back corner like usual, where no one sees us, except the employees who're hungry for tips.

"It's hard to believe that you're fifteen, seems like just yesterday you were a thirteen year old who would look around and barely speak. I swear, you don't know how hard it was to crack your shell." Pops teases. I roll my eyes and stick my tongue out at him.

"Like you can talk, you were so scared when shark week started, you thought I was going to die from blood loss." I tease back. He rolls his eyes and smirks. "And don't forget my first boyfriend!" I say bursting into laughter. He glares at me playfully right as a waitress comes over.

"I'll have a number twelve with extra barbecue sauce and she'll have a number three and mozzarella sticks." Pops orders the usual. She hurried to copy it down and scurries off. "Anyway, when we get home, I have something to talkto you about." Nodding I look around.

"So, do I get a hint?" I ask trying to get in his head. He thinks for a second before speaking.

"It's about my job." Pops says slowly, he has no idea how much I know of the future, then again, I could've changed things. When the food arrives, we dig in, me in my ribs and Pops into some brisket. We eat in silence but I still make funny faces. He rolls his eyes at me and ignores me but always looks at me again. When we finish, we use the moist towelettes to wash up.

"I swear, you try to make a mess Rose." Pops laughs. I roll my eyes and put down the towelette, hands and face now cleaner. We head into the car, me driving because I'm awesome. "Better not kill us." Pops mumbles under his breath, too bad, I heard, and I'm offended.

"I'm a good driver, you'll see." I sass sticking my tongue out at him. Sitting in the driver's seat, I pause. "Pop, you'd tell me if you found a way to send me to my home, right?" I look into Pop's eyes, he seems surprised. I give him a look saying he better tell me.

"Of course Rose, I promise I'll tell you." I sigh in relief, I hoped he'd say that. "Now, let's go home."

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