chapter quatro

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we arrived at a japanese restaurant which looked really fancy. The guy at the entrance lead us to one of the private rooms. As i entered i saw 2 men and BoA sitting at the table enjoying their glasses of wine.
" Annyeong Haseo" i said and bowed.
"oh miss Park. welcome. please sit!" the smaller one said and gestured me to sit on the chair right in front of them.
" So as you know p101 is slowly ending and we wanted a female idol to teach the boys how to dance with a girl on stage. because of your talent we all agreed to ask you. we expect a solo performance with every member at the end of the show, so you will have private lessons as well."
my eyes went bigger. Private lessons? like really private lessons? I have better things to do than giving amateurs private lessons. Oh god what if they are perverts or worse: ugly?!
"the problem is that you have 3 weeks left. and you have to train 21 trainees."
wow the organisation of produce 101 is on point.
" well then i should start as soon as possible right?" expecting them to say tomorrow or any othher day.
"actually we need you to come today."
tomorrow hu sori? i smiled to cover the actual fucked up feeling i had.
"if you don't mind, we would like to go immediately."
"no it's fine. lets go" don't lie to yourself sori. nothing is fine. why did you do this.?
the moment came. i stood right in front of the door. the door to hell. behind that door 21 trainees are waiting for me.
i slowly knocked and waited for someone to say 'yes' . but nothing happened. i knocked once again and right in that moment someone opened the door and with that that person smacked it right into my face. i tumbled and almost fell but somehow i wasn't able to feel the marble floor. i felt two strong hands holding my wrists. i opened my eyes to face a brown haired boy with glasses on. "I Am so sorry" he said. "it's ok."
"no your forehead is red and swollen. let me get you ice."
"no really i have to go and teach trainees."
"oh...ooohhh...oh no!"
"you're park sori!?"
"oh god i am so sorry. i am a trainee as well. my name is lai guanlin."
"ok " i said and wondered if that sounded rude.
"well i really have to go so.." i looked at my wrists in his hands.
"oh yes sorry!" he let go off my hands.
"am i really red?" i asked him out of nothing before i entered.
"no you look good" he responded.
i turned around and slightly blushed while i entered the room.
hold up sori why did you just blush. calm your hormones!!

i know p101 ended lol lets pretend it's still on going k?
anyways i wrote this chapter on my phone bcuz my ass isn't at home that often and my exams are killing me so bare with me
shitty chapter i kno
xx aylo

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