3:《Monday Night Raw》

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Lexi P.O.V

Jade:What shall I do tonight?

Lexi:Since I'm debuting with Jeff tonight let's go crazy.

Jade:With Jeff?As in Jeff Hardy?The guy you hate?

Lexi:Yep that's the one.

Jade:I'm not even gonna bother asking when,how and why.

10 minutes later•

Jade:Alrighty you're all done!

I look at my self in the mirror.

Jade put a 3D cat liner with purple and blue eyes shadow.She kept my eyes dark and lovely just how I like it.My lips were a bold darkish purple and my hair was braided prefectly.

Lexi:Thanks Jade I love it!


I head to my locker room to get my Jeff Hardy crop top,with track pants and my Adidas shoes.

Jeff style.

One thing I always remember about Jeff is his crazy entrance dance.

First he skips out like a ballerina or something and stops and then goes crazy.

Not to mention how he looks like he is banging the air.

I laugh so had I actually had tears.

I decided to see if Jeff was ready.

I knocked on the door and when it opened I was staring directly at Jeff's chest.

I don't know why but I felt as if my heart fell into my stomach at that sight.

Jeff:Lexi,come in.Lovely shirt by the way.

He winks.

Lexi:Oh I know thank you.

I couldn't help but stare.

Jeff laughs smugly.

Jeff:Don't you know it's rude to stare.

Lexi:Phf I'm not staring at you!I'm staring at um at your armbands behind you.

I say and quickly grabbed his arm laddered thingys.


He smiles.

Lexi:Yeh I'm going used them.

I slide them on to my arms.

Jeff:And what am I going to use huh?

Lexi:You can get them from your merchandise stall at the entrance.

Jeff:No ways that's too far!

Lexi:Stop whining and be a man!

Jeff:Argh,At least give me one!

Lexi:If it will stop the baby from crying.

I handed him one and pinched his cheeks.

Jeff:What's wr-

"Jeff and Lexi to the gorilla,attention Jeff and Lexi to the gorilla."

Jeff:Guess that's our cue.

Lexi:Let's move.

We walk out of his locker room and we see all my friends standing near the gorilla.

Mmmm,what's going on?

I was greeted by Nikki first who was rudely interrupted by Dean.

Nikki:Heya Le-

Dean:Oh my goodness!

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