
624 18 3

Lexi P.O.V


Calm yourself down Lexi.

It's just supper.

I walk out of the bathroom dressed in my blue skinny jeans ,my Lifestyle tee and my converse with my chain of course.

Jeff:Wow casual much?

He smiles.

Lexi:I know,I don't kn-

Jeff:I like it Lexi,you look amazing just the way you are.

I could of melted right there and then.

I pretend to wipe a tear from my eye.

Lexi:Now that was beautiful.

Jeff:Urgh and you say you're the softy!I'm turning into a rosebud without even knowing.

He cups his face.

Lexi:I like this side of you.

I say putting my hand on his shoulder.

Jeff:So you want me to drop you off?

Lexi:Mmm why not,that is if you're not busy.

Jeff:Its 7 and I'm in my pyjamas watching Treasure Planet.

Lexi:Aw wait they're showing Treasure Planet!?The one that had Jim Hawkins?!


Lexi:Cancel my date.I'm watching this.


He looks at me sternly.

Lexi:But-but Jim Haw-

Jeff:You have a date with a real person.

Lexi:I'm coming.

I sigh walking with Jeff to the door.

Jeff:You know I'll just record it for you.

Jeff says as we walk down stairs.

Lexi:Now you tell me.

I spank him on his arm.

We jump into his sleek black BMW.

Lexi:You know when I was in high school Treasure Planet was such a big thing.

Jeff:It was made it 2005 right?

Lexi:Nope 2003.My friend and I were obsessed about Jim's bad boy attitude but we wished they would of included a girl for him.

Jeff:You're talking about him like he is real.

Lexi:He was to me.

I hold my heart.

Jeff:Mmm is the place?

I look outside.

Lexi:Yeah it is.

I take a deep breath in.

Jeff:Just calm down,all you have to do is be yourself and if he tries to do anything uncalled for.I'm only one call away.

He smiles.

I smack him playfully jumping out of the car.

I walk to the restaurant door and wave back at him.

Jeff:Remember one call away!

He shouts from the car.

Lexi:Alright dad!

I laughed and walk into the restaurant.

In the corner I see Tevin occupied on his phone.


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