8:《Night Out》

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Jeff P.O.V

I put on my black jeans and black formal shirt with a black tie.

Chains hanging on the side of my pockets the way I liked em and my converse.

I really wish I could go to the party with Lexi but if Alexa doesn't get her way she would flip.

I straighten my self out in the mirror and see Lexi walk out the bathroom.

She was wearing black ripped skinny jeans,a black vest,a chocker and black converse.

It was kinda funny how we were sorta matching.

Lexi:Damn someone is ready for their date.

She gestures.

Jeff:You look dayum good yourself.

Lexi:Why thank you Jeffrey.

We both laugh.

Jeff:Oh no worries Alexis.

Lexi:What time is your date?


Lexi:Oh cool,you'll going skating or sky diving?

I laugh so hard.

Jeff:Oh I wish!Alexa would never do that with me,she prefers supper.

Lexi:Well that's lame.

Jeff:Tell me about it.

Jeff:What about you how's your boyfriend


She laughs.

Lexi:I don't have a boyfriend.

Jeff:Are you kidding me?


Jeff:How come?

Lexi:Let's just say I'm way too much for boys to handle.

Jeff:Oh really.

He laughs.

Jeff:I wonder why.

Lexi:It's a-oops I forgot to call a cab.

Jeff:For what?

Lexi:To go to the party.

Jeff:What?You could of asked me.

Lexi:I didn't want to bother you.

Jeff:Ah Lexi.Let's go.

We jump in my car.

Lexi sits in the back since we're going to pick up Alexa.

Lexi:Alexa is probably not going to like me being here.

Jeff:Hey,I'm just dropping you of nothing more why should she get angry?

Lexi:Oh you know how Alexa can be.

I just laugh.

We pull up outside Alexa's hotel.

Lexi:There she comes,good luck dude.

She jumps in the car.

And kisses me on mycheek.

Alexa:Hey ba-What is she doing here?

She folds her arm.

Jeff:Just dropping her of at a party.

Alexa:I'm pretty sure she could of got a cab.


Alexa:Don't Alexa me!

I just drive,oh well.

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