11:《Imma fuck me up a bitch》

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Lexi P.O.V

As I unlocked my hotel door I hummed.

I was feeling quite happy,about Tevin that is.

I locked the door and-woh.

The room is a utter mess!

There is broken furniture everywhere.

And the worst part is I can't seem to find Jeff.


I call out.

I check outside on the balcony.

Lexi:Jeff?Jeff this better not be a prank!

I feel myself becoming more and more filled with fear.

Finally I find Jeff.

But I didn't like what I was seeing.

There sat Jeff curled up in a ball and what seemed to be him crying.

A bunch of tablets lying next to him.


I run to him and kneel beside him.

I lift up his face.

Lexi:Jeff what's wrong?

I asked full of concern.

He doesn't speak but looks at me with those green eyes.

They were filled with sorrow,I could just tell.

It was like a bullet to the heart.

I sit on the floor,next to him.

I place my hand on his cheek making him look at me.

Again like a bullet those eyes struck pain in my heart.

Lexi:Jeff please tell me what happened?Please?

He sighed.


Lexi:Alexa what Jeff?

Jeff:Alexa broke up with me.

He said placing his head back on his knees.

I thought for a moment.

Lexi:Jeff listen to me.Is this all because about Alexa?

He nods like a small kid.

Lexi:Jeff,ah this is not-its o-
I can't put this in words. What exactly happened?

Jeff:She came u-up t-to me a-

Lexi:Jeff take it easy.

I give him a glass of water.

While he drinks it I rub his back.

Lexi:Let's start again.

Jeff:She came up in here and went crazy saying that she knows that I'm cheating on her,she said that I'm sleeping around with you and see knows it.Then she said I'm a freak that will never get a girl.

Lexi:She said fucking what!Ohhhh!Imma fuck me
up a bitch!

I get up ready to knock someone's teeth out but Jeff grabs my arm.

Jeff:Lexi no,don't hurt her,maybe she was right.I am a freak.

Tears in his eyes.

Lexi:Jeffrey Nero Hardy!

He looks at me,not sure about his emotions.

Lexi:Don't you ever for a day in your believe that Alexa is right.And how can you think you're a freak because you're not.

I feel myself crying.

Lexi:You know Jeff,The cruel truth is the people that you are willing to take a bullet for,are always the ones behind the trigger.

I wipe his tears from his eyes.

Lexi:Never get to attached people they watch up with different feelings everyday.

Jeff:Lexi,could you help me up.

Lexi:Of course.

I help Jeff up and bring him onto my bed since mine's was closer to the bathroom.

Jeff:I'm sorry about trashing the place.I-I just hate it when stuff like this happens.

Lexi:It's okay.I'll clean it up but what's up with these.

I show him my hand full of tablets.

Jeff:That would be random tablets.

Lexi:Jeff you know by taking these you could of killed yourself!?

Jeff:I know bu-

Lexi:No buts!Could you imagine what Matt would do if he found out his brother was dead!Can you imagine me!My friend dying on me?!

Jeff:I'm sorry okay?Im sorry for being such an idiot!

He cups he face and I sigh.

Lexi:Jeff you're not an idiot.Alexa is.I'm sure there is girl who loves out there.

He rests his head on me.

Jeff:If she's out there why hasn't she told me yet.

I cup Jeff's face.

Lexi:How about we get you to sleep now huh?


This is so cute,the way Jeff's acting like a small baby boy.

We go under the blankets but this time we're cuddling.

My hands were wrapped around his back and his head was on my chest while his hands were wrapped around my waist.

Lexi:How about I sing you a song?

Jeff:I would like that very much.

Lexi:Whenever I had a bad day I would cuddle up to my mum and see would see me this song,hope you enjoy.

The rest of the night I spent singing to Jeff Simply amazing by Trey Songs.

Lexi:Promise me you will never take those tablets again?

Jeff:I promise Lexi.

Eventually I fell asleep with Jeff's arms around me.

I know this might feel wrong.

But this is not a feeling kinky, it feels heartwarming.

One things for sure.

At RAW when I'm up against Alexa,I feel sorry for that bitch.

May her soul rest in peace.

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