9:《Was that me?!》

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Lexi P.O.V

I wake up to the sun shining directly on my face.

I sit up and notice a sharp pain in my back.

I whine a bit as I try to stand up.

I walk but almost fall luckily I feel two arms hold my waist lifting me up.

Jeff:Hey you okay?

Lexi:Morning Jeff,how did I get home.

Jeff blushed I think,was I seeing things?

Jeff:I brought you home.

He laughed.

Lexi:Did I miss something?

He laughs.

Jeff:I'll tell you over brunch.


Jeff:Oh I'm taking you out for brunch.


I stop talking as my head pains.

Jeff:You really should take it easy.I'm not sure what you did at the party but your arm and back is bruised.

Lexi:Mmm I'll asked Nikki later.
I guess I should get changed now.
It's cool Jeff,I got this

Jeff:You sure?

Lexi:Yeah I mean I can't let you help me in the bath.

Jeff mumbles something but I couldn't hear.

[A/N:He said 'If you only knew what you said last night]

I go into the bath feeling like a cripple person.

What the fuck did I do last night?

I get changed into my grey leggings,black vans and Adidas shirt with my black jacket.

I tie my hair in a bun and put on my chain(s) .

I walk out and see Jeff putting his tight white vest on.

Holy crap that's hot.

He puts on his chain and also puts his hair in a bun.

Jeff:I can see yah Lexi.


I say embarrassed.

Jeff:You ready to go?


I say as we walk down to Jeff's car.

We close the door.

Lexi:Wait a sec,what is Alexa finds out?

Jeff:Finds out what?I'm taking you to brunch to tell you about last night or our storyline.

He winks.

Lexi:You're so bad.

I say and we both laugh.

I flip through the songs while Jeff is driving and a song I know comes on.

'Or nah'

Lexi:Eww gross I hate this song.

Jeff bursts out laughing and just sitting there like what.


Jeff:I'll tell you all at brunch,you're gonna lose it.


Ahhh,Jeff knows I love McDonald's!

A waitress asks us for our orders.

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