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Jeff P.O.V

Jeff :Are you Lexi's dad?

I ask in shock.

Michael:Yes.Micheal by the way.

He says shaking my hand.

Jeff:It's a pleasure to meet you sir.

Michael:The pleasure is all mine,Hardy.

Jeff:Please let's go back to my hotel.Can I carry your bags for you?

Michael:No no.It's fine.

He smiled warmly but he face was still full of sadness.I couldn't blame him.

His only daughter just went missing.

•The Hotel•

Jeff:Flying fish?

I ask standing at the fridge.

Michael:That's fine yes.

I grabbed to bottles and sat next to him.

Michael:So does the police know who has taken her?

He speaks up.

Jeff:Well we're not sure but our number one suspect is her boyfriend Tevin.

Michael:Tevin?Why that boy couldn't even hurt a fly.

Jeff:Well Nikki-I mean one of Lexi's friends said that that morning she went missing Tevin called Lexi and said he wanted to see her,she didn't tell anyone where was going though.

Michael rubs his head and then looks at the floor.

He gets up and walks over to table where Lexi's shirt was.

He picks and up and holds it close to him.

Michael:I'm worried about her Jeff but at the same time I'm not.I've brought Lexi up the best I could with the absence of her mum.I tried really hard.But I have confidence in my babygirl,she is smart and will make attempts to get out of wherever she is.

Jeff:You've done an amazing job with Lexi.

He nods.

Michael:She'll be back before you know it.

•Unknown location•

I've been in the same position for it don't know how many hours.

I haven't eaten or drank anything for hours.

My body,I just don't know how much more abuse I can take.

I'm broken,physically and mentally.

I miss everyone.

I miss Nikki!I miss AJ and Brie!
I miss Roman!Seth and Dean!
I miss Matt and Kurt but most of all I miss Jeff.

I just didn't even know how much he meant to me you know?

It was always enemies or friends,never lovers.

But when I think about him in that way,my mind is just a mess.

I get butterflies in my stomach and my heart just skips a beat.

I just hope he doesn't overdose or something again.

I don't know what I would do.

Tevin:How we doing there baby.

He walks into the room.

I don't respond.

Tevin:Wanna be like that now?Well try to ignore this.I heard you're dad is down here in Tampa with Jeff,searching for you.

Lexi:M-my dad.

Tevin:It's such a shame if something were to happen to them.

He smiled.

Lexi:Tevin don't you dare.Leave them alone!Please!Hurt me!Beat me till I'm black and blue!Just please leave them alone!

I begin to cry.

My dad is the only family I have left and Jeff well I just can't live without him.

Tevin is amused by all of this.

Tevin:Alright but I want you to say you love me.


I glared at him.

Tevin:Oh well.

He says walking towards the door.

Tevin:When you hear that your dad along with ALL your friends are dead,you'll only have yourself to blame.

This physco!


He stops as he was about to leave.

Tevin:Yes Lexi?

He smiles.


Tevin:What I didn't hear you ?

Lexi:I love you.

Tevin:You're gonna have to speak up?


He just laughs.

Tevin:You're pathetic.

He says before slamming the door shut.

I cry to myself,cursing under my breath.

Please let someone find that chain!

I can't take this anymore.

I just simply can not.

There I sat on that icy floor,chained up,bleeding and bruised,ripped clothes,a total mess.

Wondering if someone will ever find me?

How long will I be locked up for?

How are they going to find me?

What if they don't even find the chain?

What will Tevin do to me next?

Questions upon questions but not a answer to be heard.

So I cried myself to sleep in that small,cold,lonely black room.

Praying that I would not have to wake up tomorrow.

But if I did,I want to see Jeff and tell him.

How much he means to me,how he makes me feel.

And tell Matt how right he was about us.

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