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"Dad. I'm gay."

Kurt doesn't know how long he's been holding in those two words. Of course, there was the build-up of "I hope this doesn't change anything" and "I've been thinking a lot about this", but to actually say it out loud, it was amazing. Like a 5 tonne weight was lifted off his shoulders.

The relief was short-lived. "What did you just say?"


"No, you're not. I refuse to believe it."


"Stop. This is wrong. Just wrong. You can't possibly be sure."

"But I am! I am sure! How could you say such things?"

The look in Burt's eyes was cold, but there was still a tiny, barely there, flicker of that usual warmth, as if he was trying to understand but just couldn't. "It was that stupid Glee club, wasn't it? Those losers have got you convinced you're a fag! I always knew that excuse of a club was no good for you. You should've taken up football like I told you to. At least they're men and not faggots."

He spat the word "faggots" out like it was poison in his mouth. Never had he reacted so strongly to anything before.

Kurt was left speechless. Was this really Burt Hummel? The man who put aside the pain of losing his wife to comfort his son? The man who opened up his own shop by hard work and dedication?

The teenage boy had to leave before the tears consumed him. He made to leave the kitchen but when he reached the doorway he hesitated and turned around partially. Kurt saw his father seething and almost couldn't ask his question for fear of pushing Burt over the edge. "Dad? Are you- are you going to..."

"Are you going to disown me?"

For a second Burt seemed to return to his normal self but it was gone as fast as it came, "Disown you? I couldn't do that, no matter how disgusting you are. Nobody deserves that. Now please leave before I change my mind."

After a second of thought, he added, "And think about this. You haven't had any experience so you couldn't know. Guys like girls. Remember that the next time you think different."

The tall teen slowly nodded, then ran down to his room. He couldn't hold back the tears, collapsing on his bed.

My mama told me when I was young
We are all born superstars

She rolled my hair and put my lipstick on
In the glass of her boudoir

The recently heartbroken male continued to sing his heart out, despite the strangled sobs that shook him to the bone.

Don't hide yourself in regret
Just love yourself and you're set

This particular song reminded Kurt of his mother. She died when he was 8, leaving him grieving for far too long. He knew if she were still there she'd understand.

Oh, there ain't no other way
Baby I was born this way

Kurt Hummel had never been so sure of anything before. He had researched it to no end. And, most importantly, he had ogled too many males to count. Females made him feel nothing for as long as he could remember.

Following the song, he decided not to hide himself in regret. True, the New Directions convinced him to make this life changing decision and he was glad they did. No matter what would happen, he would push through. At least he hoped he would.

There's no telling what the future will bring for Kurt Hummel...

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The Singer And The Musician - Klaine [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now