Remember? it's me!

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Remember when you called me names,
I stayed quiet thinking it was my fault.
Remember when you made me feel like a wreck?
I stayed quiet thinking you were true.
My mind was pure and I never doubted anyone but me.

I cried and broke,
Things went worse,
But it all stopped,
Turning me into what you wanted me to be.
Incompetent, numb, imperfectionist,
The complete opposite of what I used to be.

The old me died long back,
THIS was your mission,
It was numb,
But alive, within me.
Your objective remained unaccomplished,
And this refrained from your information.

A comeback is times the Setback,
It is said.
And I fell,
From being a lighted candle,
To cold wax.
But what is yet to come,
You better be braced,
And plan your attacks.

A new version of my old self,
is back to get what it wants.
Perfectionist, competent and alive,
But it is incapable of trusting people,
It demanded the best at all costs.
Nothing less would quench its thirst.



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