Chapter Two - Hands touch, eyes meet

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It's already been a week and so far Alfred hasn't been spotted by his angel. Of course to be sure that no policeman came by he was surely able to walk past or sit in the coffee shop across from the flower shop. It was rather convenient. That is until one day, He came up to Alfred.

"Hallo, can I help you?" 

Alfred froze and tensed up as he slowly looked up from the pole he was hiding behind. His thoughts ran all over the place as he stammered out. " A-Ah sorry I was um...I was just-" He moved to step back and almost fell when Ivan reached out and gripped his waist pulling him up towards him. Alfred blinked and slowly raised his gaze to meet the Russian's before he flushed deeply. "S-So Sorry!" 

Ivan stared at him and slowly let go before he hummed, " Do you want to come inside?" 

Alfred shook his head, nervously grabbing at a strand of his hair. " N-No thanks. I need to get going now ahem..."

Before the Russian could speak up Alfred had already rushed away, not caring who he bumped into as he felt his face heat up. His breathing and chest burned and sped up with excitement. When he turned the corner he leaned up against the wall and panted softly before raising his hand up to his face. he sighed and grinned. 

" Our eyes met...and he touched me. Oh god I could die happily now!" 

Want.... I want...

The next day however. My plan to go incognito went out the window. My usual spot was taken. Mainly because him. The handsome and tall sexy bean pole Ivan Braginski, was there leaning against it. 

" Is he waiting for me? could he really be?" Alfred mentally panicked.

He clutched his back and took a deep breath going to turn the other way when he noticed A largely big breasted woman ramming into him 'accidentally'. Both falling as her large jugs squished his face and almost suffocated him.

" Ahh! so sorry! I'm so terribly sorry!" she almost cried out.

Ivan was over in a rush sighing. " Big sister! I said to be careful and to not run. You could hurt people with those things."

When she was lifted off, Alfred winced and sighed softly. " Ugh..."

The woman wouldn't stop sobbing, while Ivan knelt down holding out his hand, " Can you stand?" 

Alfred stared at his figure. He was smiling a bit worrisome, otherwise the light that shined behind him made him truly look like a beautiful angel uncorrupted. 

Slowly he nodded and was helped up before he winced. Why did his ankle fail him? fucking bimbo most likely did it.

Ivan hummed and briskly scooped Alfred up in his arms. " If you are embarrassed, you can close eyes da?"

" E-Eh? wait I-" he flushed a bit darkly, mainly since his prince charming was holding him so closely. He closed his eyes and tried to remain calm. 

When they entered the shop, he noticed that a semi tall woman with shoulder length brown hair was standing behind the counter. She looked up and widened her eyes. 

" W-What happened Mr. Braginski!?" he nervously spoke out.

Alfred felt his gaze narrow slightly at the figure walking towards them. Was she really a he? by that voice it had to be correct. Ivan had both sexes going after him after all. 

Ivan nodded, " Big sister met another victim today. Can you get the first aid down. I think his foot is hurt." 

The man nodded and briskly walked into the back while Ivan sat Alfred down on the counter. Of course Alfred felt slightly better knowing that the Russian's eyes and attention were focused on him. The shorter man came back and gave him the first aid asking softly, " Is there anything you would like to drink?"

Alfred trying to keep his true character hidden, smiled small and shook his head, " No thank you.  I'm fine." 

Ivan slowly pulled up his pant leg and noticed some dark spots on his leg. As he touched them Alfred winced and let out a soft sound of pain. " Ahhg! Don't touch there!" 

Ivan stared at him and pointed, " How did you get so many bruises?"

Alfred slowly met his gaze then looked away chuckling. " Eheh, well it's just where I work. I'm still new and I tend to bump into things too often. Don't worry about it much."

Ivan stared at him before he slid off Alfred's shoe and sock slowly careful to not hurt his foot or ankle and spoke up, " I'm going to move it, so tell me where it hurts da?"

Alfred nodded and held his breath slightly as he moved his foot up. He slightly winced but as he turned it from side to side or down he flinched and cried out slightly in pain. " Ack-Ow!" 

Ivan stopped and nodded before grabbing some ice. " Your foot is a bit swollen but i'll put some ice and wrap it for now. okay?" 

Alfred nodded in reply as he did so before adding, " Come inside. It's my home but it's more comfy then in the shop. Hold on tightly."

Alfred nodded and didn't realize until he was picked up, front facing the Russian. His face heated up immensely and inside he was dying. He thanked fate as well as any god there was that would hear him out there. The inside of the home was mixed with American and Russian culture. Knitted items were placed on the new leather furniture. Rugs that seemed handwoven and beautiful dolls that were hand painted. 

He sat him down on the couch and sat down next to him smiling softly, " I'm sorry again about your foot. My sister is clumsy if you hadn't already noticed." 

Alfred smiled back and shook his head. " I wasn't really looking either-" He paused and noticed that the Russian was staring at him, smiling slightly but, was intently staring at Alfred.

" So care to answer why you've been constantly coming around by my shop lately?" he curiously asked. 

Alfred's mind went blank and all that he could clearly understand was this, he knew.

( DUN_DUN! Finally updating lol. Comment, and vote on this story. Thanks plus many and happy PRIDE Month to all my LGBT followers  out there!)

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