Chapter Ten - Identity Crisis

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The next day after the events that perspired last evening, Alfred couldn't hold back his giddy smile. He was cheerfully happy and walked to school that way. As he approached a bit closer, there were loads of policemen that were walking in and out of the university dorm entrance, as well as five standing at the university gates, holding up papers or something. Alfred raised an eyebrow with curiosity and continued walking until one policeman glanced at him, then at the paper before rushing over ordering Alfred to stop.

"Whoa, stop for-a momento." called out the slightly smaller officer. 

Alfred stopped and sighed, and watched the Italian glance at the photo before looking at him. His eyes narrowed at Alfred before he bluntly ordered, " Remove the-a glasses." 

Alfred did as he was told, not really thinking much about it before he heard the man turn his head to his right shoulder and speak into a walkie-talkie.  "I have-a found the-a man. I am taking him into custody now as we-a speak, over."

"Copy that." called out the other voice.

As the Italian officer reached behind his back pulling out some cuffs, Alfred's eyes widened as he grit his teeth. They couldn't have figured out where they are, let alone catch him. Or could he possibly be wrong? His heart raced more as he unconsciously did as he was told, letting the officer click the handcuffs on his wrist.

"You have-a the right to remain silent, Anything you say can and-a will be used against you..." Alfred could hear the man announce his rights to him, only to have those words trail off. 

Alfred couldn't pay attention. His ears were burning from the multitude of whispers that surrounded him, spreading words like 'he did it?' or things that surprised others. Alfred looked around and from the school entrance, he could see Ivan walking in, he lowered the phone that was pressed against his ear and just stared at Alfred. In that moment, Alfred just wanted to disappear. 

He must know...

Five hours already passed, the evening was starting to emerge. Alfred kept glancing at the clock every once in a while and sighed softly while slouching in his interrogation seat. He waited for them to be ready to interrogate him, which this gave him enough time to come up with some plan. A way to possibly get rid of the evidence...but how?

Suddenly the door opens to reveal a familiar face that made Alfred purse his lips. He was officially annoyed just by seeing the guy. Eyeing him up and down he slowly looked away before the man walked towards him.

"Heh, never did I imagine seeing you in such a position, Alfred." the man snarkily replied.

Alfred looked up at the guy and rubbed the left tempol and sighed out loud, "Why am I constantly surrounded by some Kirkland sibling."

The man pulled out the chair and took a seat, "Well, personal feelings set aside, I want to ask you some questions regarding the incident you were involved in, alright?"

Alfred straightened up in his seat and nodded sharply, " Fire away mister officer." He jokingly added some finger guns, pretending to shoot at the officer who rolled his eyes in reply.

"Yes, well. Where were you last evening around nine p.m?"

Alfred easily answered, " If you really need to know, I was with a close friend of mine in his apartment. He can vouch that I was there present with him."

 The officer scoffed, " Heh, Ah yes. But you must realize I am not mental, that can be an easy lie..having him tell that you were there with him."

Alfred sat still in his seat, awaiting the next several questions before the officer pulled out a picture and slide it across the table so Alfred could look, he glanced at it from afar and nodded to the picture. " Around nine o'clock last night, Natalia Arlovskaya, was on her way back to her dorm when she was struck from behind by a male that was said to have your exact physical appearance." 

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