Chapter Seven: Unrequited Desire

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Walking in towards the University, Ivan who was walking alone per usual,  noticed a tall muscular student with messy blonde hair. He wore a bright neon yellow t-shirt along with two other guys, handing out bright flyers with a picture of the guy that had been on the news as well as on the internet as well. He had his sympathy with the man but grew even more weary, wondering if he should warn Alfred once again about the dangers of being out alone- 

He mentally paused and raised an eyebrow shaking his head, there couldn't be any specific reason as to why he would need to warn Alfred since he was a guy himself. He blushed a little from the memory of last nights sleepover with his buddy. He pinched his arm and sighed. " I need to focus on school."

Ivan glanced at his watch and continued onto the school grounds, while Alfred on the other hand, decided to take a side trip to the country hillside. Entering a lonesome dirt road he walked as far as a mile to the small cottage that was up in the hillside, practically buried by tall trees. When he walked up the small pathway, he knocked three times on the door before entering. 

As he did so he looked around and saw that the place was already cleaned up. Smiling a little he looked around and walked to the kitchen where he saw some key's hanging on the side of the wall on a hook. Reaching for them he walked towards the bedroom closet and pushed a box out of the way, staring at the hatch that was large enough to fit large items in through it. He unlocked it carefully while entering a specific code, letting it click open he unhatched the door and started down the small steps into a lower compartment that had shown aged wood and smelt of damp wet socks. 

Alfred stopped at the bottom, hearing some clanking sounds from what sounded like metal chains, he frowned a little and clipped on the light switch that lit the only light source in the room. It flickered and it was obnoxiously bright making the people in the room wince at the source.

Alfred felt his lips curl into a sadistic smile as he approached them, both trembling and letting out muffled screams from their covered mouths. There chained up against the wall, nude and beaten, were the two missing people. Yao Wang and Gilbert Beldishmdt.

Alfred grinned even wider before he proudly stated, " I see you two have made yourselves at home." He nodded and pulled out a chair sitting in it slowly, " Good're never leaving this room again..."

Gilbert glared deeply and tried to move at Alfred only to be caught by the chains. Alfred could tell just by how this barbaric man was acting, that he was surely cursing him to death. But it didn't matter. This guy was merely a useless pawn in his game.  Before he could speak again, there was the sound of footsteps coming down the steps. They were silent and the person did not say a word. 

Alfred rolled his eyes and clicked his tongue as he stood up, " Tch. I get it, I'm not allowed to play with your prey....So sorry." 

Alfred walked up halfway and frowned slightly, reaching out he wiped something off of the person's face and smiled gently. "You're still a messy eater like always ain't yah?"

He walked up the stairs more with the person, both exiting the room and locking it back up, Alfred glanced back at the person and touched their cheek. "You are doing so well. But it's getting too close for comfort, you have to space out victims. We need to be careful of the police or you'll get in trouble."

The person stared at Alfred while Alfred shrugged, " Don' t give me that look. I'm not the one who said to kidnap them, that was you silly." He glanced at his phone and smirked, " Well I better get back to the city. I have some classes to attend to, and then hopefully a date with Ivan~ Wish me luck!"

He waved to the person quickly exiting the house while the person just stood there silently. As they looked back at the door to the basement their hands gripped into tight fists, rushing towards it they pounded in the code to the door and unlocked it with the key. The door opened with ease, swiftly rushing down the steps they flicked on the light, the two victims stared up at the person in terror as he inched closer, pulling Gilbert up by his chained collar he started to touch his body and his ass making Gilbert exclaim a muffled shriek, his body trembled in terror as his body was touched even more by the person before they sexually assaulted him profusely. Venting out their anger while trying to picture Alfred as the one they were fucking.

'Ah~ why can't he have eyes for me? aren't I enough for Alfred?' the person thought.

{OKay for anyone who loves theorizing, feel free to figure out just who this accomplice is? Take a guess before the Big reveal later on. And also, feel free to like or comment on this chapter. I forgive it for being as short as it is, but even short chapters are crucial.}

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