Chapter 1: Not a Happy Ending After All

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Now in perspective of Ayano:
The trip to the ocean was amazing, we all had so much fun. It feels as if the days of sadness and pain are so far away...
I get out of Budo's mom's car and take my backpack that still has some sand on it and at least a hundred shells, all beautiful and colorful.
I wave at the car as it leaves. I go inside and put down my luggage and stretch out my hands.
"Welcome back". I get surprised by the unknown voice and step back. Out of the shadows appears an older lady wearing an apron over a black summer dress. "Who are you?". I ask as she approaches me. "I'm your grandmother. I used to visit you when you were little. I guess you were to young to remember". I just nod since I don't know how to respond. "Ryoba told me you are quite troublesome. So tell me where were you?". "I was at the ocean with my friends". "Friends?". She starts laughing. "I'm serious!". "Your mother was right when she said you were problematic. I have to tell you some things, sit down". She puts her hand on my shoulder and slowly pushes me on the couch and then sits next to me. "Do you know about 'The Aishi Legacy'?". "No...". "No wonder you act so wild. How old are you now?". "I turned 16 this spring". "Your mother wasn't home to tell you about the legacy. Every female of the Aishi family are told the legacy on their 16th birthday". As she talks I look at her apron, in the front pocket I can see a knife peeking out. She notices where I stare at and says. "I see you are sharp, you noticed quite quick the danger. Good job. I might still be able to change you for the better". "I don't want to be changed". "Shut up!". She raises her voice that it echoes though the house. "Now stay quiet and listen. Our legacy has been passed down from daughter to daughter for many generations. As you probably know, your father took your mothers family name since it is part of the legacy. But this is only a small part of it. Every Aishi has to fall in love and be so desperate that she kills for the chosen. If she can't marry the one she must at least have a daughter from him". I start to remember stuff my mother told me or did that made more sense now. "The second part are the jobs. We are part of the so called yakuza, we are the modern day assassins. We kill whoever we are requested to". I remember how my mother gave me and Budo a list of people to kill before she left. I felt anger for being used to kill for the underground society. "Mother gave me a list...". "That is the exact reason I came here. You did kill all the people on the list, but you also killed their boss. The request specified that the leader has to be left alive, that all the killings were just a warning for him to pay up. You went and killed him and now they can't access the money". She got up and was looking from above at me. "The employer is angry and wants to be paid three times the money for the reward". "How much is the reward?". "30000000 yen (300000 dollars)". "That's what we have to give him back!". "Didn't I just say three times the reward?". So much money! A normal person wouldn't even see that in their lifetime. "Though there is another way...". "What is it?!". "The employer is asking for revenge, he wants to see the head of the killer. If we give him that he will make the price half of what he is asking". I felt all the warmth leave my body. I am the killer... "Of course we can't let you die, since you are an Aishi. But the two boys aren't...". "NO!!". "Don't worry dear, you can keep one, the employer only asked for one head. You can chose the one you like more and I promise he won't be harmed at least until you have a baby girl from him". "YOU ARE BOTH HEARTLESS MONSTERS!!". "Don't be so upset. If you still want to play around with two of them you will just have to take on jobs to pay all the money". "Jobs...". "Yes, I'll give you two days to think it over, whatever you chose is fine, but I still think you should take the easy way out". "Shut up!!". I also get up from the couch and storm out of the house.
As I run to Budo's home I send them both messages to meet there.

After I explain them everything they both hug me. "I'm sorry I once again drag you into my problems". "They aren't just your problems, we are just as responsible as you for kill that pig". Budo said as he hugged me once more. Taro breathed in and asked. "The jobs... How are we going to do them?". "I don't know. I don't want to involve you in the jobs...". "I can't just stand and watch! I will help in any way possible". He looked down at his hands. "I may not be able to kill anyone, but I still want to help with as much as possible". "Taro...". I kiss his cheek.
I know Taro had nightmares many nights after he killed that guard and he still has them from time to time. I will make sure he never has to experience that again.

Love or Death 2 (Taro x Ayano x Budo) //Discontinued//Where stories live. Discover now