Chapter 8: Back At It

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Now in perspective of Ayano:
Today is a cold day, the first snow fell this morning. I caught a cold because of the place I was sleeping in, but I went to school since it was the warmest place I could stay at. Though pushing myself with a cold made me even worse and I ended up going to the school nurse to sleep for a bit. I woke up at the end of the day when she told me I had to leave. I left and went to the shop to buy a hot tea. I was walking around sipping my tea and I ended up in front of the graveyard. I walk around looking at the photos on the graves. There were to many of them killed by me. I feel my tears freezing on my cheeks. I go on and reach the new grave area. I stop in front of Budo's grandfather's place of peace. I bow down and place a small offering down and change the old flowers with new ones. I go on and look at a empty place that has just a small, rusty sigh saying its taken. I look closer at the name of the one who bought the place. My eyes fill with tears when I see my fathers name. I touch the ground and clean off the snow. My father will never have a proper burial, he will never be at peace. I don't remember much about him, but I know he loved me. I can't let him be in that house any longer. I get up from my knees, but bump into something. I look in front of me and see Budo. "Hello Ayano". "Budo...". "It's nice of you to come so often at my grandpa's grave and put new flowers each week". "It wasn't me". "You don't need to lie, I saw you each Thursday come here with flowers and Monday with food offerings". "It wasn't me!". "Why do you push away everyone?". "I ruin everyone's life. I don't want to make things even worse then they are. That is why I will now leave". I go past him and leave. But not even a second passed and I felt him hugging me from behind. "Budo, please let me be selfish. It hurts me more knowing you care than knowing you hate me. Please don't do this". I was breathing hard and I couldn't tell if it was because of him or because of the sickness. "Aya, then let me also be selfish and not let you go". No, you need to hate me or I'll break. "Let me go or I'll turn my emotions off!". "Then I will make you once again turn them on". I close my eyes and pretend like I'm turning my emotions off. "Let me go". I say with a cold voice. "You already know I won't do that". I guess I need to try harder. I take a knife from my bag and put it at his neck, making him let go. "You won't do it". I run at him trying to stab his arm. He dodges easily. I cough and then take my stance again. I keep trying to attack him, but he dodges every last one of my attacks. I feel it getting harder to breath. I cough harder and harder until I stop attacking him. I sit down before I could fall down. "Aya! Are you alright?". He comes up to me. "Get away!". I swing my knife and cut him on the arm. He takes a step back from surprise. I see small drops of blood fall on the white snow. I start feeling sick from the blood and turn around so I can't see it. "Leave or I will really kill you". I didn't hear any sounds. Maybe he left. I turn around to look, he was still there and so was the blood. I turn back around quickly, but I start shacking from the blood and I cry. Then I feel his arms around me. "I give up...". I say just loud enough he could hear me. "You drive me crazy... Budo, you make me feel and think so many things I go crazy, my brain doesn't think straight". He didn't say anything, but he took me up in his arms. "But your arm! It's hurt". "I'm fine as long as I am with you". I put my head on his chest and hug him.

Now in perspective of Budo:
I put her on the bed and cover her up with all the blankets I had. Then I go to the kitchen to make a tea for her and then I finally take care of the cut that isn't as bad because the warm clothes and her weakness from the cold stopped most of the impact. I put my hand on her forehead and she was burning up. I go around the house looking for any type of cold medicine, but I don't find any. It's late, none of the pharmacies around are open. I take out my phone and call Taro. "Hey, how are you Budo?". (They are friends again since the last chapter). "Do you have any cold medicine?". "Yes, I should have some left from my sisters cold last week. Are you sick?". "Just come with it here". I ended the call and brought a wet towel to put on Aya's forehead.
I went down when I heard the knock on the door. "If you are sick you should be in bed". He puts his hand on my shoulder and pushes me to my room. "I'm fine, thank you for bringing the medicine. You can go now". "You think I can just leave my friend alone when he is sick". I hear another knock on the door. "That must be Kayan!". Taro opened the door and Kayan came in. "You didn't have to also call him. I will be fine if I take the medicine". "We will take care of you". I tried to stop Taro from going upstairs, but Kayan got past me. "I'm sleeping on the couch!". "That's bad, you should sleep in a warm bed". It was to late, I had no way of stopping it now. Kayan opened the door to my room and dropped the bag with stuff he had. "What is she doing here!". "Kayan, what are you talking about?". Taro ran up next to Kayan and saw Aya. "Why, Budo, why? We finally got her out of our life". "I couldn't let her like that in the snow. I still have feelings for her". "How? After everything she has done. You saw that night what she really was". "Didn't you realize she did it to push us away. The same with that Akira guy". "Why would she do that?". "Because you got in her mind the idea that she ruined our life. She thought if we hated her she could push us away". "She told you that to manipulate you again". "Aya didn't say anything, I figured it out myself". I heard a strange sound from behind. Kayan had a knife that was about to stab Aya. I run at him to stop him and I throw myself on him. But it was to late, even if I changed the place he stabbed, he still got her arm. She woke up and grabbed her arm in shock. Her eyes soon went to Taro. She looked straight at him, forgetting about everything around. Then she slapped herself. "I'm not dreaming?". Then she started coughing again. "Aya, get back under the covers, I'll bandage you as soon as possible". She now looked at me then at her arm. She removed the other hand from the cut. "It doesn't hurt". She said it in a childish way. I looked at her arm, it was covered in blood, yet it didn't hurt? Kayan got up and tried to take the knife back, but I had my hand on it before him. "Get out!". Then Aya had her attention at him. "Kayan, can I go home for a few minutes to take something?". "What do you want?". "Dad". "What are you talking about". "I need to bury him, he needs to be in peace". She sounded somehow broken when she talked about this stuff without crying. "Aya, you should go to sleep for now". "I don't have time to sleep... Today I was supposed to go to work at 1 AM, I have to go to the park and now I also need to bury dad". "Wait, what work, why the park...?". She suddenly started crying. "My head hurts". She covered her head with the blanket. "Aya...". "Don't talk to me, I told you I'm going crazy! You should have left me alone!! I don't want to see you ever again!!". "Budo, what is wrong with her?". Taro asked. "I don't know". "I just told you I'm crazy! I hear voices, I have nightmares, I faint at the sight of blood, I cry for no reason and I don't cry when you would think I should. So just stay away from me". Kayan changed his expression. "I know what is wrong with her. I heard about it, but I didn't think it was true until now. The Aishi say they love the special someone, but most of the time it isn't true love. But some Aishi's over the years have managed to feel true love, but those that are this way end up thinking they are hurting that person by being near, so they push themselves away. But because of that they get the so called 'love curse'. They start going crazy and they end up dying a tragic death from sadness in less than a year. Of course it could be just a myth and she is generally crazy". "Kayan, dear, does that mean your love isn't true love?". "Of course not, it only affects the female Aishi's. My love for you is from the bottom of my heart. I'm smarter than her, I know I will not hurt you, my sweet Taro". If his story is true... It means it's my fault she ended this way. But what if her true love was for Taro? He was the first one she fell for. Or that she started pushing people away after she meet the Akira guy. "Me and Kayan will be downstairs if you need us". "Thank you". I close the door after them and sit down on the side of the bed. "Aya, I promise I will make you feel better. We will get over this and live happily together". "Don't say that. I will hurt you no matter how hard I try not to do it. If not physically then emotionally. If you feel something for me you would also hurt when I am hurt. And according to Kayan I will die soon". "You won't die, you won't go crazy, you won't hurt me and I won't let you get hurt". "You will never have a normal life with me". "I don't need a normal life, just one where you are with me". I wipe the tears from her face with my thumbs and kiss her chapped lips. "I'll go bring some water so you can take the pills and to clean that cut. I'll be right back".

Love or Death 2 (Taro x Ayano x Budo) //Discontinued//Where stories live. Discover now