Chapter 7: Shit Happens

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Now in perspective of Akira:
I took Ayano home and she immediately fell asleep. So much suffering for just one person... I lay down next to her and hug her carefully to not wake her up. I put my chin on her head and take a deep breath. Her hair smells so nice and sweet... Her skin is so soft and her smile is priceless... If I could meet this Budo guy or even Taro I would ask them why the heck did they leave her. I'd teach them a lesson for breaking her heart. "I won't let you feel sadness again". I whisper and close my eyes.

Now in perspective of Ayano:
The morning train wakes me up as usual. I feel warmth behind me and something wrapped around me. I look behind and see Akira fell asleep hugging me. I slowly turn around to face him. He gives me a different feeling from Budo or Taro. I want to just fall for him and forget about them, but I can't... I just don't see him that way. He met me at my lowest, those two saw my lows later on. I just feel like he is a friend helping me out while I'm down. Even if he smiles and cries with me he just doesn't make me feel the same.
He fell asleep with a smile on his face. Do I really make him happy. Does he really feel the same way about me like how I feel about Budo and Taro? Am I selfish for rejecting him? Am I cruel for staying with him and talking about those two? Did Taro also feel like he didn't have a chance at reaching me? Did Budo also feel that way at some point? Should I just make up my mind? If I keep things this way we will all suffer. Should I just stay with Akira and hope to fall for him in the future? Why can't there just be someone that answers my questions.
I slowly get up and go to the kitchen to prepare both breakfast and lunches for work. In the weekends we work longer. I work as a cashier at a bookstore and Akira is working as an assistant for a pharmacist. I work til 3 PM, but he works even longer. He is such a hard worker and he somehow manages to keep his grades decent. You could say he is a super human.
I take the bentos and the plates with the breakfast and go back upstairs. I open the door and see Akira about to go out the door. "Where were you?!". "In the kitchen making...". "Don't scare me like that! I thought you left me to...". "Don't worry, I'm alright now. I won't do anything stupid". He looked down at the food. "Looks delicious!". "I hope it is". I smile and place the food on the table. "I'll take you to the bookstore". "I can go alone. Don't worry". "I'm starting an hour later, I'm not in a hurry to work and I'd love to talk more with you". "I guess... If I don't inconvenience you". "Of course you don't". He smiled and moved a strand of hair behind my ear. I blushed and looked back at my plate.
We walked together to the bookstore and then I hugged him before entering. I watched as he went on and I kind of missed his smile already. As if he felt my thoughts he turned around and smiled once more. This made me feel better and I went inside. The bookstore is a relatively new one and they just recently expanded to a second floor and now needed a second casher. I thankful managed to get the job. We made calculations that if I worked like this we could save up money and in three months afford a better apartment that isn't near the station, is isolated properly and has it's own kitchen and bathroom. In the past I didn't properly appreciate all those small things, but now I do. We decided to save up money and in March to buy an apartment that we can pay the rent together and with the saved up money to buy proper furniture. It's weird that with Akira I think more about the future, but with neither Taro or Budo did I think of anything except the present. Even if I don't have feelings for Akira, I do feel that I'd like someone like him to be in my future.
About four hours passed since I started work and Akira already texted me eleven times to check how I'm doing. *I'm doing great. The customers aren't that many that they overwhelm me and the other girl working here is really nice*. *Good. Just text me if anything happens*. *Don't worry. I will*. Just as I sent the text guess who entered the bookstore. Taro and Kayan entered and immediately saw me. They walk up to me. "What are you doing here?". "I'm working here". "When did you start being the type to work part time?". I look behind to check if the other girl working is coming back from the toilet. "I'm working since Kayan here won't let me live in my own house". "You don't live together?". Taro seems to be surprised at my statement. "We don't. And for a while actually". "Sorry, forgot to tell you". "It's fine". Taro kissed Kayan's cheek. "Then where do you live. I can't believe Budo would let you stay at his place after what happened". "You are right. I live in an apartment and I'm working here to pay for the rent". "No way you make enough money working here for an apartment". "I also work at a grocery store during the week". "Still not enough. You do the Aishi jobs, don't you". "No, I don't!". I shake my head. Then we hear the door open. "Hey Ayano! I'm on lunch break and decided to visit". Akira came in at the worst time possible. "Who's this guy?". "Is he bothering you Ayano?". Akira got kind of protective. "No...". "That's an obvious lie. Leave her alone". "None of your business stranger". "I'm no stranger to her, I'm her roommate. And you are suspicious". "Akira, just let him...". "You know she is a killer, right?". Taro just said those words so straightforward. "I do know and I don't care! If you know it must mean you are one of the two jerks that broke her heart". The two were now face to face starring at each other ready to fight. I can't let them hurt each other! I move in between the two facing Akira. He just looked over me at him. For the first time I felt the nickname 'shorty' actually was true, those ten centimeters make a difference. I raise on my tiptoes and look him in the eyes. He finally looked at me. "Please don't hurt him". "Ayano...". "Please. I don't want you to get in trouble because of me, it already happened to too many people. Please just leave and we can speak at home". "Sorry, but I can't forgive this guy". I have to stop him somehow... I hug him tightly and then try to move him out of the way. He looked shocked at me. "Please leave for now... Please". "Fine. I'll leave for now. But if anything happens...". "I know, I'll text you". "Call me even if necessary". "Yes, now leave". I push him out of the store and return to Taro. "So you get your money from him... You use him". "I don't... Please don't just assume stuff about me". "Why wouldn't I? You did the same to me pretending to love me". "I... don't feel that way about him...". "You even recognize you use him". "He knows how I feel... If you aren't going to buy any books please leave". He left with Kayan to look around the store. I sat down and looked through my phone until they came with two books. I did my job and then they left.
Why is my life so dramatic? (Sorry, it's Neko-chan's fault ( ̄(エ) ̄) I'm making your life miserable, you probably hate me)
After work I go to the grocery store to buy food for dinner and tomorrow's breakfast and lunch. Once again... My incredible luck... I see Budo at the other end of the aisle. I try to turn around and leave so he doesn't see me, but obviously I fail and he notices me and comes up to me. "Aya...". He called me Aya, must be a mistake. "Hi... You grocery shopping? What stupid question, why else would you be here". "Yeah... We are both here...". So awkward... Why isn't he saying bad stuff to me? At least that way I wouldn't feel so awkward. "Well I'll be going that way". "Wait!". He grabbed my wrist. "Sorry...". He let go. "Excuse me now, I need to get home and prepare dinner". "Dinner for that Akira guy?". "Yes... Wait, how do you know his name". He seemed to panic. He looked at a lady next to us. "Can we go somewhere else to talk?". "I think you said all you had to already". "Please, it's important...". I for some reason agreed, I bought the stuff and we went outside of the store. "Can you speak now?". "No, still to many people". "If you won't say it then I'll go home, I'm busy". "Let me help you carry that". He grabbed my bag. "I can manage on my own". "Come on, let me help for old times sake". "Fine, but you have to leave before 5 PM". Before Akira comes back.
I unlock the door and come in, Budo follows me. "This is the place you live in? It's small for two people". He looked at the small bed. "Talk quick, it's 4:43 already". "I...". He stepped closer to me, now only a few centimeters away from me. "I... I want to start over... I'm really sorry...". He surprised me. I didn't expect anything like this. "I don't know...". "Look, I'm really sorry. I didn't think rationally that night or the days after that... You must have had a valid reason for killing him". "Please don't talk...". I turn around with my back at him. Once again a flashback of me killing him overwhelms me. My body feels weak so I sit down on the bed with my head in my palms. "Aya?". "Don't call me that!". So many things all come over me, my head hurts, my stomach hurts, my heart hurts, my arms and legs go numb. Am I breaking apart? Budo somehow gets in front of me and is looking at my face with a worried look. It's the same as when he cared about me... It hurts even more now that he doesn't care. I try really hard to hold my tears. I don't want him to see me cry, he thinks I'm a monster now, so I should act like one so he can move on and find someone that is right for him, like Taro did... Taro... How did I just make myself fell a thousand times worse?
I hear the door open. Did Akira come home already? "Get away from her you jerk!". Akira took Budo by the shoulder and pushed him away from me and then hugged me. "You two pieces of shit break her heart and then don't even leave her alone to heal". Akira was holding my head at his chest with one hand and with the other one he had it around me.

Love or Death 2 (Taro x Ayano x Budo) //Discontinued//Where stories live. Discover now