Chapter 33

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Well, I was right. Jake left Sam's pack, declaring himself an alpha along the way. Seth decided that Sam wasn't doing the right thing, so he followed Jake. Leah also followed Jake because of Seth and because she was sick of being the pathetic ex-girlfriend that Sam couldn't escape.

Paul was torn. He knew that leaving Sam's pack was not possible because he didn't trust the Cullen's or the fetus. On the other hand, he knew that staying with Sam was going to hurt me because they were going to kill my sister.

"Babe," Paul said. He'd somehow gotten a break from patrolling around the Cullen's place and was spending it with me.

"Paul," I said.

"You know what's going to happen," he said, referring to Bella. I guess she was going to give birth sometime extremely soon.

"Your going to have to kill her," I said. "The second they give you guys an opening. You can't take the risk of the unknown."

"Who told you all that?" He asked.

"I've been in contact with Sam," I said. I was sitting on my bed, trying to write some stupid paper for a class when he showed up. I was thankful for the distraction, but I was not in a good mood to begin with and this argument wasn't helping any.

"Babe," Paul said.

"Don't babe me," I said.

"Calm down. You know we can't risk the lives of everyone in this town over something unknown to us completely," he said. He was becoming increasingly angry, so I stood up and made him follow me outside before I continued to talk to him.

"If you idiots would listen to me for five freaking seconds I know more about that fetus than I care to admit," I said.

"You can't even call it a child. Why are you so worked up about this?" He asked.

"Because you're talking about ending my sister's life on top of that of the fetus," I said.

"She doesn't even like you," he said. "God, Elizabeth. You are way too caring. She doesn't like you. She doesn't care about you. And she sure as hell didn't want to see you."

"You know what Paul. You may be right, but I'm not her. I was raised to protect my family. You know what, since you're trying to kill my sister, I think maybe we should break up."

"Lizzie, come on," Paul said. "Aren't you the one who said that breaking up would just send us both into depression? That breaking up wouldn't solve anything for us?"

"That was before you were trying to kill my only biological sister. I'm removing any choice you'd have to make between me and the pack. Now, please leave, Paul."

He hung his head in defeat and left, taking the shattered remains of my heart with him.

Since I couldn't​ bring myself to call Emily and talk this out, I called Alice, hoping she'd let me come up and talk to her.

"Lizzie," Alice said, answering the phone almost immediately. "You wanna talk about it?"

"Yeah, can I come down?" I asked.

"Of course," she said. As I was getting in my Jeep, I heard the pained howl of none other than Paul Lahote's wolf. I pushed aside the thoughts of Paul and blasted Fall Out Boy through the speakers as I drove to the Cullen's house.

Alice met me outside, and said it'd be best if we just sat outside and talked. "No one's been able to hunt in weeks. They've got us surrounded."

"Yeah, I know all the ins and outs of Sam's plans," I said.

"What happened?" She asked.

I saw Embry's wolf stop about a hundred yards into the treeline and look at me. I knew he was listening along with the rest of the wolves, but I told Alice my side of things anyways. "He kept telling me that they had to kill Bella, and was trying to make it out that I shouldn't care just because she doesn't like me. I tried to tell him that I knew more than enough about the fetus that it wouldn't be a problem, especially not since you guys are raising it. He wouldn't listen to me. I told him I wasn't Bella, and I was raised to always put family first. I told him that since he was so insistent upon them killing her that we should break up. It'd make his choice a lot easier."

"But, you still love him," she said.

"About as much, if not more than you love Jasper. He's been my rock through everything. I mean, I don't want to lose him, but Bella's my sister."

"I think you need to talk to him, but first what's all this about the fetus?"

"The Ticuna tribes of Brazil have all sorts of legends surrounding half human half vampire creatures," I said. "It's something you should seriously look into."

"Thanks," she said. "I'll go do that. You should head home before Charlie starts looking for you."

Elizabeth Rain Swan || A Paul Lahote Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now