Chapter 56

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When we landed in Seattle it was 8:00 pm, so I called my dad, asking him to keep Grayson again tonight and Paul and I would pick him up tomorrow. He was in bed, asleep, already anyways.

"Babe, come on. I know how tired you are. You've been busy glaring at all the surfer dudes all week," I said. "Just let me drive."

"Fine, but I'm not sleeping," he said, yawning before picking up both of our suitcases so we could leave.

"I didn't ask you to," I said. The rest of the walk was quiet. I unlocked my blue Jeep and climbed in the driver seat, groaning slightly at the pain in my left hip. Paul, who had been putting our suitcases in the trunk, slammed the trunk closed and ran up to my door.

"Babe, you okay?" He asked, holding the door open.

"I'm fine," I said, shifting slightly and groaning again. "Dr. Cullen said this would probably happen. He said there'd be a lot of pain especially after I've been walking around a lot or swimming."

"Or, having sex," he said so low I almost missed it.

"Yeah, then too," I said. "Wanna drive?"

"Sure," he said, picking me up with one arm under my knees and the other behind my shoulders. He helped me into the passenger seat, making sure I was okay before getting in the driver seat and starting towards home.

"Babe," Paul said for the fifth time.

"I'm okay," I said, grabbing his hand reassuringly.

"You need to talk to Carlisle," he said, glancing at me.

"I will," I said, pulling out my phone and dialing Bella's cell number.

"Hello," her bell like voice came through the phone.

"Hey, Bells," I said. "I need to talk to Carlisle."

"Yeah, here," she said, handing the phone to him.

"What can I do for you Elizabeth?" He asked, his voice calm just like a doctor's should be.

"I'm having really bad hip pains," I said. "My left hip flexor tendon."

"That could be pretty bad. I want to come back and look at it myself. I'll be there tomorrow. In the mean time, use your crutches, please," he said.

"Yeah," I said. "Can we do it early tomorrow morning? I don't want Grayson to see me on crutches if he doesn't have to."

"Of course. Meet me at my house at 7:00 am," he said.

"Paul's coming with me," I said.

"I'd expect nothing less," he said. "See you tomorrow Elizabeth."

That night Paul and I didn't sleep at all. We laid in our bed, cuddling and praying for the best outcome. I wasn't sure I could juggle that tendon being torn again along with adjusting to being the alpha female.

"Babygirl," Paul said, sliding closer to me. "I can't take it anymore. Tell me how I can help you."

"Paul, calm down," I said, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling his lips into mine.

"But, I'm just worried about you," he said. I ran my fingers through his hair, holding him close to me.

"Were you like this when I was in the hospital?" I asked. I felt him nod before he pressed his lips to my collarbone.

"No wonder they were all so happy when I woke up," I said, lowering my head into the crook of his neck, absorbing the warmth that seeped from his body.

At 6:00 the next morning, Paul and I decided there was no point in laying in bed any longer, so Paul made a pot of coffee and I took a cold shower in attempt to wake up. I got dressed in a pair of jeans and a hoodie, waddling down to the kitchen, testing the weight on my left leg every so often.

"Paul," I yelled when I was like halfway to the kitchen. I heard him coming running up.

"Babe, what's up?" He asked, grabbing my arm in case I needed support.

"It feels better," I said. "It's still there but not as bad."

"That's good, right?" He asked.

"Yeah, it is," I said. He picked me up and carried me the rest of the way to the kitchen.

"You know that isn't helping, right?" I asked as he sat me at the table and brought me a cup of coffee.

"Babe, I know, but I hate seeing you in any pain," he said. We talked about anything and everything while drinking our coffee, kind of like two old women.

"Let's get this over with," Paul said as we got up to leave.

Elizabeth Rain Swan || A Paul Lahote Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now