Chapter 38

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Even though they'd only known each other two days, the night before the battle, Embry sat Morgan down and told her everything. She then called her parents and said she'd be staying with me for the next couple days. Emily had Claire's​ parents drop her off for the next couple of days. Kim and I had been there for two days already. That meant all the imprints, minus Nessie, were in one place during the battle.

We were all lounging in the living room of Emily's house the night before the battle, well all of us except Jake. We were watching some dumb movie that no one was really paying attention to. I was curled up on Paul's lap, savoring the moments with him.

You'd think with practice this would get easier. I actually think it's the exact opposite. As I grow closer to Paul, it becomes harder and harder to let him go fight vampires. I was already dreading the day I'd have to remain as strong as Emily does when this stuff happens.

At nine o'clock, Paul and I decided we were going to bed, which was our way of saying we needed some alone time without the other guys.

"You know, I meant what I said the other day about wanting to marry you," he said as we were laying in the bed facing each other.

"And, I want to marry you too," I said, taking his hand and interlacing our fingers.

"I promise you, some day we will be married," Paul said. He kissed my forehead, and pulled me closer to him. "I love you, Elizabeth Rain."

I leaned closer to him before answering. "I love you too, Paul Ethan."

We had been laying in silence for a while when Paul spoke up again. "Can we please talk about something pointless so this anxious feeling goes away?"

"Or, I have a book in my bag," I said. I got up and flipped the light on before grabbing the book and heading back to the bed. Paul sat up slightly and I curled up next to him.

"What book is it?" He asked, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children," I said, flipping it open to the first page. "I've read it before, but I'll read it again out loud so we aren't sitting here in silence."

"Didn't you say it's one of your favorite books?" He asked.

"Yeah, if not my favorite. Why?"

"Give it here," he said, snatching the book out of my hands.

"Be nice to it," I said.

He started reading. "I had just come to accept that my life would be ordinary when extraordinary things began to happen." And so it went. Paul read almost half the book that night, stopping every once in a while to ask how to pronounce a word or ask a question about a character.

"You know what we should do tomorrow," I said when he stopped to ask some question about Enoch.

"Um, babe, I have to fight," he said.

"I know, after that," I said. "We should watch this movie."

"I can't promise you that we'll see it tomorrow, but sometime soon we will sit down and watch that movie and whatever other movies you want," Paul said.

I kissed his cheek lightly before smiling at him. "Thanks, babe," I said. "It means a lot."

"Anything for the love of my life," he said, kissing my cheek. He went back to reading, and I sat, listening intently to Paul read the book.

Fifteen minutes or so later, there was a knock on the closed bedroom door.

"Come in," Paul said, closing the book with his finger in the page.

"I'm sorry to break this up, but can you please at least try to sleep?" Sam asked.

"We will put the book up right now," I said. Emily walked up and stood next to Sam in the doorway.

"Alright, don't feel bad though. Kim and Jared still are up talking," she said.

"How'd you get him to read anyways?" Sam asked. "I've tried for years to get him to do his school work."

"I said I'd read it out loud, and he took it out of my hands and started reading," I said.

"Okay, well, goodnight. Try to sleep," Sam said. He shut the lights off and Paul and I laid down under the blankets and within a few minutes we were both asleep.

Elizabeth Rain Swan || A Paul Lahote Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now