Chapter 59

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It's been two months since Paul and I got back from our honeymoon, and I'm freaking out. I've missed my last two periods. While the guys were all out chasing down a nomad, I called Emily in tears.

"Calm down hon. I'll be over in a few minutes with a pregnancy test," she said. I hung up the phone and thanked God that Sue and Dad wanted to have Grayson for the night.

Emily showed up within five minutes, and didn't even say anything. She just handed me the box and pointed to my bedroom and en suite. The wait damn near killed me, but both of the tests came back positive. I shrieked, causing Emily to come running into my bedroom.

"They're both positive," I said, squealing happily.

"How're you going to tell Paul?" She asked.

"I don't know yet," I said as I they howled, letting me know they were back. I hid the tests in my makeup case knowing Paul wouldn't get into it.

"I'll see you around, Emily," I said as she left and the boys piled in.

"Hey, babe," Paul said, walking up to me and kissing me on the lips.

"Hey, babe," I said, returning the kiss.

"Jack and Colin agreed to move in here until we can find them somewhere more permanent," he said, looking at the brothers who were sitting at the table talking. The rest of the pack was scattered around the kitchen and living room.

"Awesome. I can't stand to see kids abused, so this is great," I said, hugging Paul.

"Embry and Colin are taking Jack for his first over night patrol tonight," Paul said, grabbing a beer from the fridge and offering me one.

"No thanks, babe," I said.

"Why not? Grayson out of the house and you always drink with me," he said. I may be under 21, but come on. It's one beer every now and then, and I'm 20.

"Yeah, but I kind of can't. I mean, it might hurt the baby," I said, smiling at Paul as realization spread across his face. He set the beer bottle down and hugged me so tight he picked me up off the ground.

"I'm gonna be a Dad?" He asked, setting me back on my feet.

"Yeah, I was stressed out about maybe being pregnant and Emily brought me a couple tests. That's why she was here just now," I explained.

"Babe, I'm so happy," he said, kissing me again.

"Me too," I said, kissing his cheek and hugging him tightly. One of the guys wolf whistled, bringing me back to the reality of our current situation.

"We're happy for you," Embry said. He was followed by a chorus of congratulations. Jack, who was like another son to Paul and I ran over and hugged me, earning a glare from Paul.

"Relax," I said, grabbing his arm and handing him his beer.

The following Monday I called to get an appointment with the OB/GYN at Forks Hospital. They couldn't get me in until Friday, but I was okay with it. I was actually really nervous since my body might not be able to handle the pregnancy.

It's been five days since I told Paul I was pregnant, and I invited Dad and Sue down for dinner to tell them. Paul had already told Sam and the pack kind of found out when I told Paul. Seth and Leah promised not to tell Sue or Dad, so let's hope they kept that promise.

Paul had given the boys their orders not to come into the house until 7:30 pm. Colin and Jack were on patrol with Brady and Quil anyways. Paul's had to up the patrols since there's a nomad they can't catch.

"Grayson, come here," Paul called at 4:30, shortly before Dad and Sue we're due to show up. We were sitting in the living room talking and he had been at the kitchen table eating a snack with Seth. I swear Seth was here more than he is at his mother's house.

"What's wrong Daddy?" Grayson asked. "Am I in trouble?"

"What would give you that idea?" I asked, sending my step brother a glare as he smiled innocently.

"Uncle Seth let me stay up until 10:30 when I stayed at Grandpa's with him," Grayson said.

Paul picked him up and sat him in his lap before talking to him again. "That's on Uncle Seth, not you."

"Uncle Seth will be in lots of trouble," I said. "Grayson, how would you like to be a big brother?"

"Am I gonna have a brother?" He asked, excitement filling his voice.

"Or a sister," Paul said.

"Yay," Grayson ran around the house cheering. He stopped back in front of me. "I want a baby sister so I can protect her from all the bad guys out there."

"Awe, Grayson, that's very sweet of you," I said. "But, I can't promise you will get a baby sister."

"Fine, but if I get a brother, I'm going to beat him up to make him tough," he said.

"Grayson," Paul said softly. "You have to be nice to your new sibling whether it's a boy or a girl."

Dad and Sue pulled up with Leah in tow, so we went to meet them at the door.

"I'm gonna have a baby sister," Grayson said, jumping into my father's arms.

"Are you, now?" My dad asked, raising his eyebrow at Paul and I.

"Surprise," I said, shrugging a little bit.

"Congrats," Sue said, hugging me. My dad followed suit before they both hugged Paul.

"Hey, sweetheart," my dad said. "Can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Yeah," I said, leaving Sue in charge of dinner for a few minutes.

"Look, I know how happy you and Paul are, but is your body going to be able to handle this," he said. "A few months ago you were in tears because Dr. Cullen didn't think you'd be able to have kids."

"I have a doctor's appointment on Friday," I said. "I want this to happen, so I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure I can carry this kid to full term."

The rest of the night all we did was talk about the kid. Everyone was excited, especially Paul and I. We couldn't wait for our own biological kid. We love Grayson to death, but nothing will beat baring my own kids.

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