21st letter

30 4 0

Dear Lauren,

I'm sorry for yesterday. I'm sorry for what I did yesterday. I'm sorry for writing all of that. I didn't mean it. I know you loved me. I was able to tell because of your actions. I was too focused on the bad memories than the good ones. I wonder though. Why did you leave? I know you were kinda irritated but you saw me crying and you just walked out the door. I was reading a sad book about us. I was crying because that stuff was so realistic. I walked out the room so you could hold me and tell me that that stuff would never happen but you left. Dinah came in the room and she held me. She called me a dork and gave me a hug and she waited till I fell asleep. I refused to fall asleep. I wanted to wait for you. I wanted to make sure you got back safe. Dinah wanted to make sure I let my thoughts out and she also wanted to make sure that I didn't fall asleep crying. Why did she take your place? How come you haven't talked to me since? You just walked away. I tried to talk to you the next day but then Roger came in and told me I was kicked out of Fifth Harmony I ran out of the room so fast to see you and the girls but you guys just looked at me and walked away. You guys never gave me a chance to explain. I tried to when I posted that response but my management didn't let me say what I really wanted to say. I wanted to talk to you and the girls after that. You guys didn't respond but you did. You told me that you were disappointed, hurt, confused, and you told me never to talk to you again. That hurt. I wanted to explain what happened but the other girls blocked me and you told me not to text you anymore. I'm sorry I'm doing the complete opposite. I love you Lauren. Tell the other girls I love them as well.

~Camila C.

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