30th letter

27 4 0

Dear Lauren,

      So you and Ty huh? It's actually something? Please tell me it isn't. Wait I shouldn't say that I have no right to be mad/sad/upset/jealous of this. I hope you guys last I guess. I hope he hugs you when you're feeling down like I used to. I hope he at least tells you a stupid corny jokes here and there so he can hear your beautiful laugh and see your beautiful smile. I hope he sees you for you and accepts it all like I did. I hope he makes sure you're safe and well no matter what. I hope he brings you food whenever you're hungry like I used to. Remember when it was 3 or 4 am and you got hungry so we got in an uber to go get some tacos and you ate all of them and add a mess everywhere and I just laughed at/with you? That was a good night. I hope you guys have nights like that. I hope he pays attention to the little things about you because those are the best parts of you. Or maybe he doesn't do all these things. I don't know. Maybe you want other things. I don't know and I don't really care because it wouldn't change anything. It wouldn't change my feelings towards you or our situation.

~Camila C.

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