Chapter 29| Prank Fail

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Special thanks to @kindrajoy for making the fan cover above ⬆️ I absolutely love it!


As I ate breakfast in the kitchen with Max, the dream that I had earlier still roamed in my brain. I couldn't believe we had kissed. Too bad it was a damn dream and not the real thing.

I was staring at the floor thinking and could feel Max look at me from the corner of my eye.

"What's up with you today?" She asked.

I couldn't tell her the truth. Or at least that's what my mind was telling me.

"It's nothing. Just a bad dream." Is all I said and looked up at her.

She squinted her eyes and analyzed me to which I had to act neutral so she wouldn't catch my lie.

"Hmm. Okay." Max said, seeming to believe me.

I mentally sighed in relief and a thought came to mind. Where was Ace? I hadn't seen him in the house at all this morning. Or the rest of my family either.

"Hey, where is everybody this morning?" I questioned.

"Oh, they all conveniently left to the city this morning. Didn't your mom call you? I heard her say they'd all be back until afternoon."

By that, I was surprised. "Oh right. Yea she called. But I wasn't listening to a word she said."

Max laughed. "Well, at least now you know where they are. Except for Ace."

I rose my brow. "What about Ace? He didn't tag along with them?"

She shook her head. "Of course not. I mean come on. No offense with Jessica there, he wouldn't be able to stand it."

I nodded my head in agreement. "Then where is he?"

"He left two hours ago to a salon. Should be back by now."

As if on cue, there was a knock on the door.

"Must be him right there. I'll go get it." Max said and stood up from the table to go answer the door.

I heard Ace come in and their footsteps reach the dining table.

My head was down when I heard Ace speak.

"Maya...good morning." And just the sound of my name coming out of his mouth was enough to get me to shiver and flashback to that dream.

I looked up from the table with a smile on my face. "Good morning to you t-" I was about to say but stopped myself upon seeing that his hair was back to normal. "Woah, you fixed your hair."

He chuckled. "Yea, the ink wasn't that permanent. Thank goodness."

I heard Max mumble some colorful words behind Ace.

I quirked a smile. She hadn't put enough ink inside his shampoo.

I looked from Max to Ace. He was giving me a charming smile that almost made me melt at my knees. He was so handsome and cute.

"So, what's for breakfast?"

The house was awfully quiet as I walked into the kitchen to grab a snack.

I knew Max was up in my room probably on her phone. And with Ace... oh shoot. Where was he??

I stopped looking for a snack and quickly fast walked my way out of the kitchen. I tried to be as quiet as I could on my way to the basement.

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