3- Moving In

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Dr Death had told the fab four about me staying with them from now on. So I packed all my stuff, including my bass guitar cause Dr Death said they played music together

Finally, I shook Dr D's hands and with both hands I carried both bags walking through the hot desert few miles with a bass guitar slinged

The diner popped to my sight and I saw Ghoul running toward me and he helped me carry my bag

"Bass guitar? You play bass?" he asked excitedly

"Yeah I do. Dr D tells me y'all play music as a band why didn't you tell me?"

"Well we don't play that often but c'mon let's play" and we ran into the diner

I was greeted by a friendly Jet and a Party holding a cup of coffee waving from the couch

I put my bags in my room and had the bass on my hand

Ghoul seemed to tell everyone there to get their instruments cause Jet had his guitar already.

So did Ghoul and Party grabbed a mic. We all set and plugged everything and.. Kobra..

"Wow ND (that stands for 'nightmare destroya') you really are a genderbend Kobra" Party said

Since Kobra had his arm hurt I was the only one who played the bass

"Alright.. What song?" Jet asked

"I don't know" Party answered

"Speaking of songs where is your drummer? I thought Kobra was" I asked about the drummer

"Ugh, he can drown himself and eat shit" Kobra said

I let out a chuckle, "Ohh..ookay. How about we play that one Green Day song called 'Know Your Enemy'?" I suggested

"I know that song, c'mon" Party said as he grabbed his mic tighter and closer to his chapped lips"

There were no one on the drums so I sat on a chair next to Kobra and use my feet as the beat.

"Do you know the enemy......" Party sang

And while the hard parts came I lost focused, Kobra tapped the chair for the beat. I looked at him and he looked cute. He didn't smile but wasn't on his poker face.

Jet slayed the guitar solo and now I felt like my bass skills are shit

Ghoul rocked like he was having seizures. And Party put in so much effort in the song

When it was finished everyone came to me "Wow that was fucking lit, ND" Ghoul commented

"Yeah, you do better than me" Kobra admitted

"Thanks, Exciting Satan and Snake Boy" I joked about their names


After singing 2 more songs and chatting for few mins, I went to my room to put my bass on the corner and all my stuff to the suitable place.

I heard a knock

"Come in"

And Kobra came in

"Need help?" he offered

I put down a bag that was on my hand and shook my head, "No it's okay Snake Boy. Thanks"

He chuckled. And it was silence, him watching me putting stuff on its place and came toward me

"There is someone you might wanna meet. Not 'might' but 'gotta'" Kobra said and he left

I put the last item down and followed him outside

To see a little boy

"Now, ND.. This girl here is Missile Kid" Jet stroked her hair

Shit I thought she was a little boi

"Hi Missile" I shook her hand, "I'm Nightmare Destroya"

She giggled

"Isn't she cute?" Jet poked her cheek

I let out a chuckle, "Is she your little sister?"

Jet rolled his eyes, "ugh, everyone thought so"

Then we talked about Missile and Dr Death. Till the time where Jet had to bring her back to Dr D


"Hey I'm back guys" Jet waved

"Hey" we said

"Did Dr D say we have a mission or dracs to shoot?" Party asked

"Nope, in fact we are now in our little break. The other groups or Killjoys are dealing with them though we gotta stay alert for scarecrows and Korse" he informed

"Yeah, a break" Party exclaimed. And.. Kobra smilled. I was sitting next to him and whispered, "You are in a good time to heal your wound"

And it was silence. "What are we going to do now?" I asked

"Oh oh! I know. Let's try to live a better and more normal life.. Like, let's use our real names"

Party looked excited, "Heck yeah I miss to call you by your real names"

"Let's introduce ourselves to Destroya" Kobra smilled

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