9- Hurt

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(Third Person's point of view)

They were walking through the dry desert, hands intertwined. The tall blonde-bleached boy looked down with a little smile growing on his face that was kinda little bit covered on sand and the sun light made the girl he held hands with squint her eyes as she smiled to the boy. The hot sun didn't burn their skins. They only felt the warmth.

Kobra led her to a big stone that was the only thing everyone could see besides the sky and the brown sand. He lent his hand so that she could easily climb it. She grunted and finally was able to sit next to the boy she loved.

"Since my mom died, no dracs showed near our area" she said after a sigh was let out. Kobra had his arms wrapped around his feet that were pressed against his chest

"That's good then" was all he answered

Destroya faced away from Kobra, "But don't you think it's just weird? Not even other zones are attacked. Well I mean rarely got lately"

It was silence for a couple seconds, "Yeah but Korse hasn't given up or lost yet" he pointed out

Destroya looked at the sand below her. Her hair covered her face due to looking down. Kobra watched her and smiled though she didn't catch him staring.

As soon as she looked back at Kobra, he faced away then eyes back to her. "Let's get back to the diner. I feel thirsty" Kobra nodded after her words

They got down from the stone. Kobra nearly fell as he kinda lost balance. She giggled. "Be careful dumbass" and Kobra only pushed his sunglasses with both of his fingers

They had their hands intertwined once again. The sunset was a really nice thing to see. Destroya looked very amazed at it. She had always had a thing for skies. Kobra felt so happy seeing her looking up and growing smile.

"No fucking way" she said after a gasp "don't you all dare ruin the beautiful view"

There were dracs surrounding them. They were gunless. Kobra tried searching something on his empty pocket which was no use. "Thank goodness you have skills in hand to hand combat, Destroya" he whispered making sure none of the dracs heard him saying that

One by one began attacking and they could only run. They were panting, "But in the situation like this-" then a ray gun almost get through her head "fighting gunless is hard cause us two are fighting with bunch of these motherfuckers" Destroya explained

Then a grunt and a loud groan came from Kobra's mouth which made her gasp. "Your leg!" she pointed to his bleeding leg that was caused by a shot from one of the dracs. Then, she tried carrying him. He was heavier but Destroya was pretty strong to run and carry the man bridal style.

The diner was about 50 steps and Fun Ghoul was outside, doing stuff with the Trans Am. "GHOUL" she shrieked

Ghoul saw her carrying the boy. "Shit. Party! Jet grab your guns!" he ran toward them

(Destroya's Point of view)

My knees couldn't help it anymore. Kobra was bleeding like crazy which made my hands and shirt covered in red. I tried my best to run faster with dracs chasing and Ghoul came towards us. "Get inside!" Ghoul ordered

"You're weaponless" I answered. So we ran to the diner but this time it was Ghoul who carried Kobra.

I could see Jet and Party coming to kill the dracs as Party threw my gun that was black to me signaling that I should fight the dracs. Jet had two guns; one was Ghoul's.

I was already tired carrying the heavier boy to the diner so this time I think I lost. A drac punched me on the fucking face and I fell. Jet and Party was too busy handling the dracs in much ammount

I let out a groan. I felt dizzy and I knew that two dracs were carrying me. I knew where they would take me. Sadly I had no energy even to say Jet's name. My hand found its way to press my bleeding nose. It was black.


(Party's point of view)

My left hand was bleeding but I didn't care. I still fought and when I looked at my left, I saw two dracs carrying a woman which was no one but Destroya

"Jet they are taking her!" I yelled and not caring my voice crack at the word "they"

Turned to my right I saw Ghoul running with Kobra's gun.

"Fight these bastards I'll get ND" I told Ghoul

With my weak legs I tried catching her but unfortunately I ended up falling after a drac pushed me from behind. With my gun I shot his neck and blood was everywhere. I could see Jet and Ghoul only had two dracs left to fight so with my strength that was left I tried catching up with her and shot one drac that was with her.

It shrieked and made her fell. The other drac tried to shoot me but he died first.

I fast walked to her. She didn't even groan. We both were bleeding. She passed out. "1, 2, 3" I counted to myself while carrying her.

But we fell. Her dry lips had to taste the sand once more. My breath got faster and I groaned. The sand was on my bleeding hand as well. I couldn't even call for help but luckily Jet and Ghoul were running to us.

I closed my eyes. I could feel I was carried. I thought it was Jet. Ghoul definitely carried his unconscious sister.

(Kobra's point of view)

The bleeding wouldn't stop. I cringed at the sizzling pain. A tear dropped to it. I was on my bed. Hands trying to touch my disgusting wound. My knuckle squeezed itself. I bit my lower lip.

My door was open and I could hear a pounding sound on the corridor. Someone was running to Destroya's room. It was Ghoul with Destroya on his arms.

Another tear streamed. "Destro- n-no" I whispered. I couldn't let myself sitting on my now covered in blood bed. I gathered up my strength and tried to stand up.

"Argh!" I fell on the motherfucking floor.

I tried to calm myself and breathe slower. My cheek was still quite firmly pressed on the ground and I grunted to stand up. "Shit" I cringed.

Slowly walking to her room I saw Ghoul crying.

"Destroya..." my voice cracked a bit

That made Ghoul a bit surprised. He looked back at me. "K-kobra here take the seat" he offered his seat and I took it; couldn't handle the pain anymore.

The chair was next to her bed. There she lied unconscious, with a bloody face. Few sand was on her hair. I gently stroked it. My tear dropped to her upper arm. I wiped it and the ones that were on my face.

"Where is Party by the way? Don't tell me he's hurt too"

Ghoul sighed, "Sadly yeah" and at this point I looked down, with my hand on her arm. "Fuck what they did to us" I mumbled between my breath.

Ghoul put his hand on my shoulder, "I know we all hate Korse and Blind and Dracs but in this case let's heal ourselves first, physically and emotionally" then he put it away

I looked at him, then to Destroya

Her eyes closed. She breathed slowly as her chest rose up and down and lips slightly parted.

I came closer to her and placed my hand on her cheek. I let myself close the gap between our lips, not caring the fact her brother was there. I could taste blood and I didn't care. It wasn't something lustful but it was something caring. I cared about her and everyone else. The kiss was soft and I pulled away. My face was just inches away from hers after pulling away.

Then I stood up and cringing which made Ghoul worried as he came to me and grabbed my hand. He slowly led me somewhere I wanted to be. "I wanna see Gerard"

And I left the room

Once again looking at her then to Party's room

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