10- Part of Korse's Plan

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A month later

(Destroya's point of view)

I woke up cause the sunlight hit me. I groaned and turned left and by surprise I saw Kobra. What did we do last night? As I could remember, I slept alone last night. I didn't even say good night to him. I felt so sleepy.

He snored softly. He was soft. I wanted to run my hands on his hair. I hesitated, "should I do it?" I whispered to myself barely heard by myself.

I did

I run my hand slowly to his hair and woke him up. He yawned and let his tounge out in order to lick his dry lips. He blinked for a sec and our eyes connected.

"Oh hey girlfriend," he greeted with his deep raspy morning voice. He cleared his throat for a while as he shifted himself closer to me. It was so nice to hear him saying that I was his girlfriend.

"I'm sorry I woke you up" I giggled and rubbed my hand on his arms, massaging it softly as I looked at it then to his beautiful eyes.

"I'm going to be honest I like the way you woke me up" he said with his poker face then continued with a very smol smile.

We sat on the bed. I stretched my arms out and then all sudden my body was thrown to bed again and I could feel my cheek was kissed


And that time I couldn't feel his lips on my cheek
It was now on my lips

I could feel his morning breath and I was sure he could smell mine. But then he was the one deciding to kiss me so I let that happen

As we finally got out of bed, and when he was about to turn the door handle, the door itself was already opened by a rushed Jet. He was already in his black jacket.

His face full of worry. I could see he blinked real fast for a moment.

"Grace... G-Grace"

And by that one word I knew what was going on. Kobra flew to his room as I quickly put my jacket on. I searched for my gun and ran to the door.

Before I could open it, my eyes zoomed through the room and it landed on my nightstand where my mask was

I grabbed it, put it on and go.


The one driving was Party. Jet was beside him. Ghoul was on my left and Kobra was on my right. I held my gun close.

Party crashed everything with the Trans Am including shooting dracs. Since Jet was on the passenger seat he opened the car window widely and began shooting. Ghoul and Kobra did the same. I was in the middle and I felt useless. So I sat on Kobra's lap and started to shoot.

Party tried opening the window and he had his yellow gun on his right hand. "Party! Whatever you do close that damn window and focus on driving don't let us get killed!" Ghoul commanded

After some of the dracs are down we got out of the car and began shooting again.

Jet knocked down a door with his kick then Kobra quickly pulled him away.

Party killed what was in there; a drac who almost got Jet's life instantly with his ray gun.

"Thanks Kobra" Jet said

"Come on guys let's find her!" Said Ghoul

We entered the door that Jet knocked down. Jet was infront. We all have our guns close and tight. Eyes to left and right, cautious of everything because we could die anytime, anywhere, by anyone.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2017 ⏰

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