Chapter 8

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When Akrios woke up, he was surprised to find out that he felt a hand on his head. His mind told him he wasn't in any danger, so he didn't react and opened his eyes, and tried not to move, wanting this safe feeling to last. He looked around with just his eyes, and they landed on Alexio, who seemed to be engrossed in sorrow. He had his other hand on his face, and he was hunched over, occasionally skimming his thumb over Akrios' forehead. Akrios frowned, and focused on the warmth on his head, deciding he liked it. He reached up and grabbed the hand slowly, with both hands and held it, studying it. Alexio didn't move or react, so Akrios decided he had to say something. "'Lexio?" Akrios' body apparently decided to yawn and speak at the same time. Great.

Alexio blinked and lifted his head from his hand, looking at the boy. He lifted his hand from Akrios' grasp and cupped the boy's chin, running his thumb over his cheek. "I apologize, child. I think I will be out of it today." He got up from the chair by the bed, and stretched. "Mind if I crawl in?"

Akrios shook his head, and scooted over, feeling a bit awkward. Alexio sat on the bed, and pulled the blankets over his legs, resting his upper half on the backrest. He looked over at Akrios again, and smiled a sad smile. He then leant against the wall, and his eyes fluttered close, and Alexio appeared to sleep. It was then Akrios realized the time. It was nearing 1 AM. No wonder the man was tired. Akrios felt bad that he took the bed, but at least they were sharing now. He decided to go back to sleep. Nothing better to do.

Akrios felt a bit cold and lonely, as he was the only one up at the moment. He felt awkward again, as there was a grown man sleeping beside him, but a small, childish part of him told him that it was okay, and you shouldn't be awkward. Akrios then felt a weird desire to snuggle up to Alexio and hug him. The boy didn't even know if he knew how to hug. 'Idiot. You met him just three days ago!' Akrios thought, but another part of him added, 'He's been so much kinder to me than my relatives, and had hasn't been talking inappropriately like those child predators I heard about. Maybe he won't mind if I hug him, and I'll wake up before he does.' Akrios guessed he could snuggle to him; if Alexio wanted to take advantage of him, he'd have done it already.

Finally gathering the courage, Akrios slowly squirmed up to Alexio, who apparently forgot to change, because he was in his casual clothes. Akrios thought he would've flinched from human contact, but he was surprised when he didn't even wince when he brushed against Alexio's arm. He snuggled up more, suddenly very tired. He managed to get underneath Alexio's arm- who seemed to be passed out at the moment- so that he was basically getting hugged by him. Akrios hugged Protector tightly, pretending that him and Alexio had just finished watching a game, and they fell asleep. Slowly, with a small, sad smile on his face, Akrios drifted off into his dreams.

Little did he know, was that Alexio wasn't quite asleep yet. He had seen- feel, really- the whole thing. With the little boy who trusted him enough to sleep in his arms, and a small smile on his face, Alexio forgot about his wife's death for just a moment, and fell asleep.


When Akrios opened his eyes, sunlight was streaming through the window, and he was hungry. Really hungry. He felt safe, though- safe and warm- and he didn't want to move. The boy closed his eyes, and after a moment, he remembered what happened last night. Instantly, his face grew hot, and he felt embarrassed. He tried getting out of the man's grip. He didn't get far, considering the man's embrace tightened, and pulled him closer. Akrios looked up to see Alexio smiling sleepily at him, and the boy figured he could live with this embarrassment, and snuggled closer. "Hey kiddo." Alexio said, his voice heavy with sleep. "Glad you could make it."

"Hi." Akrios yawned. "What time is it?" He looked around for a clock, but couldn't find any. Alexio lifted his other arm, the one that wasn't hugging Akrios, and looked at his wrist, which held a watch. Alexio blinked, and stretched, hugging Akrios tighter.

"Around 8 AM. Want some cereal? I got Lucky Charms. I love me some Charms." He said, momentarily losing his morning happiness. His wife had also liked Lucky Charms. He sighed inaudibly, and looked over at the boy as he nodded, struggling over his morning tiredness. He pulled the boy into his arms, and stood up, bringing Akrios up with him- who's face grew red with embarrassment, but the boy didn't struggle to get out of his embrace. Alexio was taken aback, as the boy was as light as a feather. His blood boiled, but he took a deep breath, and calmed himself, walking to the small kitchen that came with the room. He sat him down on a counter, and Akrios looked around, having only seen this room once, and that was at night. "Cereal!" Alexio said in a singsong voice, busying him with Akrios' bowl of cereal. He spun, and handed the bowl to him, with a spoon. Alexio then busied himself with his own bowl, and he soon was leaning against the wall, eating Lucky Charms.

"Never had Lucky 'Harms before." Akrios stated matter of fact, his mouth full of cereal. He was hunched over his food, like someone was about to take it away. He ate quickly, and Alexio warned him to eat slower, else he'd get sick. Akrios was surprised that they put marshmallows in a breakfast food, but he didn't protest.

"Don't talk with your mouth full, it's displeasing to the eye, kiddo." Alexio said, finishing his bowl of cereal rather quickly. Akrios nodded, and also finished his bowl of cereal. He placed it beside him, and swung his legs back and forth, which were hanging off the counter.

"What're we gonna do today?" Akrios asked, remotely curious. Alexio sighed and rubbed his face.

"I was going to sulk today, considering..." He trailed off, staring past Akrios. The boy blinked, and wondered what that was all about. He hesitantly climbed down from the counter, and walked to Alexio, hugging his middle section. Alexio was startled out of his thoughts, and looked at the boy, who gave him a smile. Alexio smiled back, glad he received a smile from the boy.

"Want to play a game?" Alexio asked suddenly, looking back up. He had brought some UNO cards, for some reason. He felt like he had needed to take them, so he did. "Know how to play UNO?"

Akrios nodded. He had watched the kids next door play it, and he found it fun. He practically pulled Alexio into the main room, and sat himself on the bed, as Alexio grabbed the cards.

They played UNO for most of the day, occasionally stopping for food, and just some random talking. Alexio half-forgot his wife's death and their anniversary. He smiled as the boy shouted "UNO!" as he had one card left, and the man pretended to be mock wounded, having wanted to give the boy more cards by shouting UNO before him. Alexio thought this was an overall good day, and barely noticed the sun setting. He would leave for London tomorrow.

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