Chapter 20

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This was the best day of his life, Akrios Liberatos figured out as he listened to his new father.

"Sign your name here." Alexio pointed at the bottom of the paper. "And then here."

Akrios bit his tongue in concentration, an wrote his name on the adoption slips. They finished and Akrios sat back on the couch in relative peace. He smiled to himself, his eyes closed. He finally had a parent. A father. A dad.

He jumped with surprise as he heard fire crackling, and a whoosh of air. The papers were gone, and Alexio spoke with an explanation, "I sent them to the Council. That's where all of the political crap happens, along with child welfare, and such. They don't get into much, but you go there if you want something done legally."

Akrios nodded. That made sense, after all. The 12 year was still having trouble over the fact that he finally had a dad now. It made him all warm and fuzzy inside. He plastered a goofy smile on his face, happy he could forget about the past events of late. He hugged himself happily.

"Why don't you go get Hython, and tell him the news?" Alexio suggested. Akrios nodded, and jumped up, walking quickly to Hython's rooms upstairs. He burst in happily, and shook Hython awake.

"Wake up, Hython! I have to tell you something!' Akrios said excitedly. His face was beginning to hurt from all the smiling he was doing. He bounced on his heels, not giving up on Hython. "Wake uppp!"

Hython sat up, glaring at the other boy. He flicked his snake tail irritably, and hissed, "It'ss sso early! What iss sso important that you have to wake me at the break of dawn?"

"I have a dad, now!" Akrios said.

"Sso? I have a head of hair. Let me ssleep." Hython flopped back down on his makeshift bed. Alexio still didn't trust him enough to let the Naga have his own room, so he had been sleeping on the examination table with some pillows and blankets. Akrios would have to talk to him about that.

"I've never had a dad before! Get up, lazy bones." he grunted, pulling Hython off his bed, making the snake startle, and land on his face.

"Fine, fine. Sstupid human," he hissed, pulling himself up and slithering downstairs with Akrios, who was excitedly bouncing up and down. Honestly, Hython's nest-mate was way too hyperactive sometimes.

"What'ss sso great about a dad?" Hython asked, yawning, and rubbing his eyes. He had pulled on a hoodie that Akrios had given him,  and shoved his arms into the large pocket on front.

"You get loved, silly!" Akrios rolled his eyes, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "I've always had an aunt and uncle, never a mom and dad. They were murdered by a serial killer, or so says Uncle Garret. But I have a new dad, so it's great!"

Hython rolled his eyes, content to let his nest-mate be happy for once.


It had been a month since Akrios got adopted. Hython had his new room next to Akrios', and Akrios had finally moved back into his own. He still had nightmares, and would always go to Alexio for comfort. Both boys had gained some muscle, and were now able to throw a few punches, and kicks. Hython could spit his venom--perks of being a Naga--about 3 feet, or 1 meter, according to the British snake.

Currently, Akrios was standing in front of the bathroom mirror, flexing his arms, and being impressed with himself. He had grown a few inches from when he was with his old family 6 months ago, and gained some weight. He now looked like a normal 12 year old boy, and was very happy about it.

It was now December 2nd, and Akrios was very excited to see the snow. He had always loved snow, as it was better than the muggy days in Florida. Although he didn't get to see much snow, he had once heard a kid brag about his days in Minnesota during the winter, and had described what snow looked like. Akrios had asked his dad if it snowed here in Britain, and was very pleased to hear that it did snow.

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