Chapter 7

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After a few moments of silence, Alexio got up, and went into the kitchen. He came back with a sandwich for Akrios, and gave it to him, silently, smiling at the boy. Alexio could tell something was on his mind by the way of his body language. But he waited for him to speak it out loud. No use prying It out of him. The man's waiting finally paid off, as he broke out of his thoughts as the boy spoke, quietly. He had to strain to hear it.

"Are you gonna kick me out now?" Akrios asked hesitantly, afraid to ask the thing that weighed on his mind. He really liked this man, even if they had met a while ago. You gotta start somewhere, right? The boy was fiddling with his hands that were placed on his lap.

"Not unless you want me to, child," Alexio responded quietly, looking at the child with kind eyes. "I said you could stay here as long as you want to, or unless I have to leave, which is in two days time."

"Oh, I forgot." Akrios whispered, finishing up with his sandwich. "Thanks for the sandwich."

"My pleasure." Alexio said, smiling. He wondered if the boy would like to go with him, to his home. He guessed he'd have to tell him the.. ah, dangers, of living with him. He currently had two tickets for home. This trip was supposed to be with his wife, and he planned it for his 10th anniversary, but she had passed before he even got the chance. Alexio couldn't find it in him to throw the other ticket away, so he had kept refreshing their tickets so they wouldn't expire, and kept it with his. He finally had the guts to take the trio anyway, on their anniversary, which was tomorrow. Alexio couldn't help but feel sorrowful, but he hoped the boy wouldn't have to see him like this. He looked at said boy he met almost three days ago, and wondered if he even trusted him a little bit. Alexio sighed, inaudibly, and watched as Akrios stretched, yawning. 

"Tired?" Alexio smiled. The boy yawned, rubbing at his eyes. "Want to nap for a while?"

Alexio laughed as the boy crossed his arms over his chest, and mock glared at him. "I'm too old for naps!" He declared, and Alexio could believe that for one moment, that if anyone here to walk in, they wouldn't know this boy has been abused for his whole life, assumedly. Alexio knew that he would make the man whoever hurt this- his- boy pay. He had begun to get attached to the boy, thinking Akrios was his, but he knew it wasn't true, and he knew if he had to get unattached, he think it'd break his heart. He wasn't very quick at getting attached to someone, but for some odd reason, he knew if this boy wouldn't stay in his life, he'd be wandering around like a fool, wondering if he could even talk to someone again. All of Alexio other relatives were gone; he was the last of his line, and era. He waned a family as bad as Akrios wanted a family.

Alexio broke out of his thoughts and focused his gaze back at Akrios. "Well, four hours of sleep isn't enough to go on. Take a nap, child, you're tired."

Akrios yawned again, and shrugged. He had thought there would be much more talking of where he would stay, but he supposed this was alright. "What're you gonna do then?" He fiddled again with his fingers, not wanting to impose on the man who had taken him in.

"I'll be here, working up on some things. Thinking." Alexio smiled, standing up, and stretching, as his muscles had begun to ache for a while sitting in that chair. "Sleep, child." He said as he gestured at the blankets again. The boy looked about ready to pass out.

Akrios sluggishly nodded, guessing he'd have to sleep sooner or later. He crawled under the warm blankets, snuggling in closer, and grabbing Protector. He hugged him closely, not wanting to go back to his old 'home', and relive those nightmares. He was glad he picked Alexio's window to jump into... With these thoughts, Akrios closed his eyes, and quickly fell asleep, too tired to care.

Alexio had his head in his hands for a few minutes, after Akrios' had fallen asleep. He did not want tomorrow to come, and had begun to detest his anniversary, as it brought up a lot of unpleasant memories. He curled his fingers into his hair, and took a deep breath. No use losing it when their was an abused child a few feet away. The boy would probably think he was angry that he came into the man's life, and would get frightened, and most likely run away. No. Alexio did not want that to happen to him. So, he took another breath, and gained control over himself.

He looked at the sleeping boy again, sighing as he waited for tomorrow, or at least when the boy woke up again, from nightmares or natural reactions, he didn't know. One thing he did know, was that he did not want tomorrow to come.

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