Chapter 16

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Now, usually, Alexio wouldn't dare go out at night, but of course, he was in the United States of America, so it didn't matter. All of the war problems were happening in Britain, so he could roam freely here. Walking quietly, and quickly to the Yalsack residence, he was thinking of what he should do. Clutched in his hand was the adoption papers. He needed those monsters to sign it so he could call Akrios his.

Silently, he walked up onto the porch steps. Eyes glowing with malice, he picked the lock with a snap of his fingers. Opening the door, he walked up the stairs, and into the Master Bedroom, and watched as Akrios' two tormentors slept without a care. Did they even care for their nephew? Alexio's clenched fists tightened. He towered over the fat one. Garret, if he thought correctly.

Alexio wanted to wring the fat pig's neck, and have him plead for mercy but of course, that couldn't happen, so he took a deep, calming breath, and clapped his hands loudly, yelling, "Wake up!"

The fat pig merely mumbled something, but his wife--Jessica, Akrios had mumbled?--snapped awake, sitting up and looking around wildly, one hand clutching her heart. She screamed as her eyes landed on Alexio, and he gave her a dark grin--malicious almost. "Garret!! GARRET!!"

Said tub of lard blinked wearily, then shot up in bed, saying, "Wha-? What?"

Jess merely pointed at Alexio, who was currently leaning on the wall casually, his arms crossed.

"Hello..." Alexadros chuckled. "Coffee, anyone?"


It took Alexio a long time for them to get downstairs. He threatened them into fear to do it. Fortunately, Alexio had the insight of cutting the phones' wires, so he wouldn't have to worry about the cops. He waved his hand in a semi circular motion, putting a silencing bubble around the house. They'd hear anything outside, but no one would hear them. One of the perks of being a former Guard.

He sat causally on the couch, while the two bastards hovered over the coffee across from him. Garret spoke, "Whatever you want, I swear, we don't have anything! Take the television, valuables, whatever! Just get out of my house!"

Alexio sipped his coffee, "Tell me," he purred casually. "Have you heard of a sweet little boy named Akrios? About this big?" he raised his hand to about an 8 year old's size. "Extremely skinny?"

Garret immediately sobered, bringing a snooty air about him, "So what? The worthless brat ran off a while back. Probably got himself thrown in prison already. Stupid waste of space."

Alexio kept a mask on. "That stupid waste of space," he began, intertwining his own fingers with themselves, "is a beautiful child. You didn't know what you had. Now, why I'm-"

He was cut off by the fat pig, "Had? So, he's dead? Great, no more brat."

On the outside, Alexio was calm, devoid of emotion. On the inside, he was shaking with rage. "Do not interrupt me, pig." he said coolly. "He's mine, now. I'm taking care of him. He's my son. Mine." It ended in a snarl, and Alexio stood up, fists clenched, stepping forward to the couple, who were cowering. "Sign this. Now."

He pulled out the adoption forms, flipping them to where they had to sign. "Sign over his custody. I'm going to take care of him more than you ever could." Alexio growled, and shoved a pen he conveniently had on him into the pig's fat hands. They were still in shock, so Alexio slammed his hands on the table, "Do it!"

Startled from the yell, they quickly scribbled their names on it. Satisfied, Alexio grabbed the papers back, and tucked them safely into his pocket, determined to have Akrios sign them as well. Glaring at the poor excuses of flesh, he snapped his fingers and muttered an oath.

"Torture them. Torture them and all their lineage for all years. Do it, Almighty. Let them be cursed with starvation, bruises, cuts, welts, everything they inflicted unto Akrios." Alexio's hand glowed red for a bit before the two Yalsacks gasped with pain, and hunched over simultaneously.

"Can't be undone." Alexio smirked, looking at them with an evil, malicious glint in his eyes. He finished his coffee, smiled his thanks, and left, locking the door behind him. The Yalsacks were in for decades of pain.

Walking over to the tear, he was just about to step through, his foot stepping onto the carpeted floor of his home before he was tackled to the ground. Grunting, he growled, and proceeded to push the stupid idiot off him and teach the moron a lesson. He was pinned to the floor, and felt bonds of an invisible force bound his feet and hand together.

"Hey!" he yelled, but something was shoved into his mouth. A handkerchief, he imagined. He was hefted to his feet, and caught a glance of his captor. The man had a long scar running down his cheek and across his neck, his face a fearsome grin. It was Jacob, Recluse's most Elite captain. Someone who he couldn't get his hands on to kill.

"Poor Alexandros." Jacob purred, grabbing Alexio's hair to make him look into the bastard's blue eyes. Jacob pried the vampire-werewolf mix's eyes open, blowing air on them so he'd produce tears. Having a bottle ready prior, Jacob collected the tear drop, and three it to one of his followers who were with him. Chuckling, the one who caught it, mixed it in with a green liquid, drinking it, and turning into Alexio.

Fake Alexio stepped in the tear, saluting the real Alexio with a sly grin he'd never wear himself. Jacob chuckled, and whispered, "Theodore is going to have a lot of fun with your boy."

His eyes grew wide. "No. NO!" he tried screaming, struggling against the bonds and the men who were holding him upright. "No. Akrios!"

He heard an evil chuckle, some words spoken, something pulled out of one's pocket. He didn't care about himself. He needed to get to Akrios before it was too late. He struggled harder, mumbling through the tied handkerchief shoved in his mouth, "Noo.."

Another chuckle, "No wonder King changed his mind about him." A whoosh of air, and sudden pain.

Everything was black for Alexandros Liberatos, to-be father of Akrios 'Yalsack'.

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