Chapter 3

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

"Junko, could you say that again?" I ask confused. "I said I love you!" Junko says smiling brightly while tightening her grip on me.

This has to be part of some plan, right? I guess I can go along with it for now. I mentally sigh.

"Hey, doc, where will I be sleeping?" Junko ask.

"Oh, I have my patients sleep in here. My bedroom is in here and there's a guest bedroom, so that's where all my patients sleep," I tell her, pointing to the two bedrooms. "You must really trust your patients," Junko says. I shrug.

"Some, I find it, that most people trust me more if I show I trust to them," I tell her.

"But when you go to sleep, a patient could easily get up and sneak into your room, just to kill you," Junko says with a smirk.

"Something's I have to keep secret, but I've got my tricks," I tell her. "I also trust, you aren't going to try and kill me, right?" I ask. Junko just shrugs.

"Now that you mention it, why don't you go to sleep, it's getting late," I tell her. Junko finally releases me from her hug and stares at me intently.

"What are you gonna do?" She asks. "I've got some paperwork to fill out, then I'm probably gonna go to bed." I shrug as I walk over to my desk and take a seat. Junko snakes her arms around me and leans her face next to mine.

"I think I'll stay up for a bit longer." She whispers in my ear. I sigh and shrug it off as I begin filling out paperwork. Not too long after I finish what I needed to do for today, I get a strange feeling.

Junko had been watching the whole time, luckily the paperwork wasn't important, otherwise, I wouldn't have been allowed to let her see.

I lean back in my chair with my eyes closed. When I open them, I see Junko looking down at me with a smile. Something feels different. I think to myself. Junkos smile looks innocent. She doesn't say anything.

"Junko?" I ask.

"Yes, ~?" She says in a sing-song voice.

"Why are you staring at me?" Junko just smiles and leans closer to my face.

"I just noticed how much of a mess you are." She states. "What do you mean?"

Junko smiles at the question. "You're just as crazy as me, huh?" She giggles. I shrug. "Maybe." Junko seems to go back to normal.

"Doc, your not fun, when you give answers like that." She complains.

"Just go to sleep," I say pointing to the guest bedroom. Junko rolls her eyes as she walks to her room. I groan as I stand up.

"Dang, I'm gonna have to play twenty questions tomorrow." I sigh as I walk into my room. I take off my work clothes and change into something more comfortable, leaving my shirt off. I lay down on my waterbed and begin to go to sleep.

Just before I shut down, I feel someone jump on my bed. I don't even flinch as I open my eyes to see Junko smiling at me. "What is it?" I groan.

"You said you trusted me right?" She asks. I nod.

"I wanted to make sure you were telling the truth, so let me lay with you," Junko says with a devilish grin. I sigh.

Can Despair be Fixed? (Junko Enoshima X Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now