Chapter 9

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I woke up extremely early today. Looking over at my alarm clock I see it's two in the morning. "What the hell am I doing up already?" I silently question myself. I try to roll over only to be reminded Junko is holding onto me. I then get reminded of last night.

I really told Junko that I love her, and she said Thanks! I mentally scream. Who the Hell just says thanks after getting told that someone's in love with them? I sigh as I stare at Junkos sleeping face.

"She is really cute though," I say aloud. I continue to look at Junko. "I'm really not gonna be going anywhere unless I force her off of me." I sigh.

I lightly force my way outta Junkos arms and replace myself with a pillow. Rubbing my head I walk into the other room and begin making coffee.

"What am I doing?" I ask myself while looking down at my coffee.

I shrug and drink the coffee once it's ready. I spend the whole morning doing paperwork. I've been having so much fun with Junko that I have been neglecting to do my reports on her progress. After a while, I feel a pair of arms snake around my neck.

"Mornin (Y/N)," Junko says.

"Good morning," I say back as I take a sip of coffee.

Junko lays her head on top of mine looking at what I was doing.

"What's all this?" She asks as I move another sheet of paper off to the side.

"I need to do my reports on how much progress you've made, and honestly now that I'm doing them, I realized I have been neglecting to do what I'm supposed to." I sigh.

"You mean "fixing" me, don't you?" Junko ask.

"You got it," I say as I continue filling out reports. "Hold on, don't you owe me three favors of anything I like?" I ask, thinking back on our deal.

"Heh, I thought you had forgotten all about that." Junko sighs. "But, yes I do owe you three favors."

"We'll go with two, I already kinda used one by telling you, you aren't allowed to die," I say thinking back to just a few days ago.

"Alright, well do you have anything you want me to do?" Junko asks in a seductive voice.

"Yeah, go get us some food from the cafeteria," I say pulling out my ID. "If anyone gives you any trouble show them this," I say handing it to her.

"You could ask for anything and you chose this." Junko sighs as she begins to walk out the room.

"Oh and Junko," I say getting her attention. "Thanks, I love you," I say simply as I turn back to do my work.

Since I turned away I didn't get to see her reaction and she didn't say anything back, but quite honestly I don't really care. Even if Junko doesn't love me, she can't stop me from loving her.

I look over towards the clock and see it's already 7:30. "Damn, well at least I finished all my work," I say standing up and stretching.

I then walk over to the couch and let my body drop onto it. "Guess I could do it right now." I sigh, forcing myself off of the couch. I begin my work out of 100 push-ups and 100 sit-ups. It honestly felt really good to work out again. This is another thing I've been forgetting to do since Junko got here, but it feels good to get back into it.

As soon as I finish I plop myself right back on the couch. It doesn't take long until Junko finally comes back with our food. She sets the trays down on the table and I sit up so Junko can take a seat.

"One more favor Doc." Junko reminds me.

"Yeah I know, I'll hold onto it for now," I say as I pick up a fork. "Oh, thanks again for getting the food," I say before I begin to eat.

"No problem," Junko says as she also begins to eat.

I turn on the T.V. and play some shows that had been recorded before the despair enduring event started. We both sit in silence watching T.V. and eating, until I get a call that is. I turn down the T.V. before walking over to the phone and picking it up.

"Hello?" I say.

"Hey (Y/N), it's Flare. I'm gonna need you to come up to my office in a couple minutes. Oh and bring those reports and Junko that you wrote. Alright, I'll see you in a bit." Flare says before hanging up.

I wonder if he knows I just wrote those reports or if was just implying that I better have been doing my job. "Hey Junko, I gotta head up to my bosses office in a bit and he didn't say if I needed to bring you or not so I guess it's your choice on if you wanna stay here or not," I tell her as I grab the reports.

"I'll come with, there's nothing really interesting going on around here anyway," Junko says as she stands up and stretches.

We both begin to walk in silence as we head to the elevator. Once inside I notice a few other people that work here, but as soon as I hit the button to go to Flares office everybody, but Junko and I get off the elevator. This elevator is a bit different because if you hit the top floor, aka Flares office, it'll go straight there making no stops in between.

We both wait for the doors to open and when they do, both me and Junko are surprised to see him. Naegi is seating in a chair across from Flare.

"Ah, (Y/N), Junko. Take a seat." Flare says gesturing to the two empty seats.

Both me and Junko sit down. I'm forced to sit in between Naegi and Junko. The air seems to get thick from the both of them being in here.

"Hand over those reports (Y/N)," Flare says holding out his hand. I give him the reports and he begins to look through them.

"Well Naegi seems like you were right, so go ahead and tell him why you are here," Flare says.

Naegi stands up and clears his throat. "(Y/N), I don't want you to be Junkos psychiatrist anymore." He says.

"Wait for what!" Both me and Junko say in unison.

"If you haven't made any progress I don't think you're ever going to. I know I'm the one that saved Junko, but you shouldn't have to deal with her. Me or Flare can watch over her, so you can-" I cut Naegi off by simply standing up.

"No. I don't want either of you to take Junko away from me." I say simply.

"(Y/N), she's just using you. Let one of us watch over her, we can handle her despair."

"No, I won't deny Junko has a hold on me, but that's why I've gotta be the one to do this," I say.

"Alright then (Y/N), I'm gonna give you a choice." Flare begins. "What side do you choose? Hope or Despair?" He asks.

"What, why is this even a question?"

"Simple, I personally don't care what you choose, but there are people out there trying to kill Junko and if you're on her side then that means people will be after you as well," Flare says.

His statement shocks me a bit, but then I think back to the boy that almost murdered me and Junko.

Junko suddenly stands up to. "I'm curious to Doc, are you gonna fall for despair or are you gonna stick with hope?"

I think for a bit. "I've got a question before I can answer. Do you love me Junko?" I ask.

Junko smirks. "I don't know if you'd call it love, but I feel closer to you than anyone else in the world and it didn't feel right when you weren't by me. So call it whatever you like." She says.

I sigh in relief. She may not have said it exactly, but that was good enough.

"I've made my decision, I choose..."

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