Studying Hard.

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Days passed but there was no contact between Sanyukta and Randhir.

Sanyukta put all her mind in studying she studied day and night.

Randhir was also a studious boy. It rarely happened that he looked up from his books.

Kishor-"Sanyukta, Sanyukta where are you. "

Kishor called out when he reached home.

Sanyukta- "I am in my room papa."

Kishor was shocked. Its been a week since she is in her room studying.

Kishor-"Sanyukta come down now let's have dinner. "

Sanyukta-"Yes papa just a few minutes. "

Kishor was never used to being away from his sanyu.
He was proud of the fact that she was studying but he missed the old moments, having fun and chatting at dinner time.

They sat at the dinner table. It was not even five minutes that Sanyu finished her dinner and was rushing to finish her studies.

Kishor called out.

Kishor-"Sanyukta come back here."

Sanyukta-"what happened papa?"

Kishor- "princess are you exerting yourself with your studies?"

Sanyukta-"no papa I am fine."

Kishor- "You have been studying really hard these days. Don't force yourself for more and more marks. You haven't taken a break since morning."

Sanyukta- "don't worry papa I like to study now. I will make you proud."

Kishor-"Ok,but take a break now. Go do something else."

Sanyukta-"As you say papa."

Sanyukta went and turned on the T.V. kishor and sanyukta watched the news and then went to sleep.

Randhir was studying.
It was eleven and though he was sleepy, he still continued with his studies.

Grandma entered his room with a cup of coffee in her hands.

Grandma-"Randhir… here take this coffee."

Randhir-"Why did you take trouble grandma I would have made it myself."

Grandma-"You call this trouble I call it love for my grandchild. Randhir you are studying since morning you have had no lunch nothing."

Randhir-"I had my lunch grandma. you were sleeping at that time."

Grandma-"Ok are you sleeping now or going to study the whole night? "

Randhir-"I will study for 2 or 3 more hours then I will sleep."

Grandma-"Nor your father nor your mother were so studious you know why are you so studious? "

Randhir-"yes, because I started concentrating on studies since childhood. "

Grandma-"That is a reason but there is another reason too."

Randhir-" what reason?"

Grandma-"Your grandfather, he was a very learned man. He loved reading books. He had visited a few foreign countries and I had gone with him too. He knew many different languages. He had always topped his school."

Randhir-"So I am like him?"

Grandma-"Yes, but he always said if you have to study something you have to put your heart in it and take a break at proper intervals."

Randhir-"ok grandma I understood I will take a break but now it is very late you go and sleep I will sleep soon too."

Grandma-"Good night Randhir. "

Randhir-"good night grandma."

Sanyukta and Randhir both were studying hard no matter how much anyone tried to distract them or ask them to take a break they stayed up all night and studied.

Maybe they were distracting their own minds from thinking about the past.

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