Chunin Exams Part Four!

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Dagu POV

'Whew... we finally get to one on one other people and show them how good we are!' I said with a lot of excitement. 'Using our tailed beast powers isn't cheating, right sensei?' I asked. 'No, you can use it, the only thing not allowed is sage mode and any type of food pills or healing cream, because it would combine with your tailed beast healing...' Metal lee explained. 'All right! we have no chance of losing right Jeison?' I cheered. 'Yeah, and Koji has his mangekyou too so we are all gonna pass unless we are put up against each other, I don't think that's gonna happen though.' Jeison explained.

Three hours later...

'Welcome to Phase three of the Chunin exams! Phase three will be genin against genin, no one will fight twice, the rules are: no sage mode, no food pills, no healing cream, and the matches last until the other person gives up!' Metal lee announced 'The first match will be Koji Hatake from the hidden leaf against Goro From the hidden sand!' metal lee announced.

'Hey, your that kid that tried to take our scroll and ended up failing, you survived his tailed beast bomb... how is that?' Jeison asked. 'that was not the real me, it was a sand clone, the other two genin were real though.' Goro explained. ' you seemed rather weak, you were standing in the back, hiding.' Goro said. 'I will beat you no matter what! I am Jeison from the hidden leaf!' Jeison yelled.

FIGHT! Awesome Rocky music turns on! -Credit to @Jordancantwell for the idea...

'your going down Goro! Tailed beast Style: Two-Tails Exploding Orbs!' Jeison yelled as two flame like chakra orbs were thrown at Goro. 'That wont work against my sand defense Jutsu!' Goro Screamed as his sand defense was destroyed by one of the orbs and the second orb blew off Goro's Sand armor. 'I Give up!' Goro Stated. 'All right! I won!' Jeison Yelled while walking up to the viewing stand.

'The Fifth Math will be Dagu Uzumaki from the hidden leaf Against Yoki from the hidden cloud!' Metal Lee announced.


'Yoki, that chain you have around your neck, are you the eight tails jinchuriki?' I asked. 'I am the grandson of killer bee all though I cannot answer that question...' Yoki responded. 'whatever, Fireball Jutsu!' I yelled as I blew flames out of my mouth. 'Lightning cutter Jutsu!' Yoki screamed as he cut my fireball Jutsu in half... 'I am going to end this here and now! look into my eyes Yoki! feel my pain!' I said as I activated the mangekyou sharingan for the first time. Yoki quickly entered the second stage of the six tails cloak. 'Genjutsu don't work when I am in this form, try defending against my tailed beast attacks!' Yoki said while multiple tailed beast blasts were shot at me. 'that wont work on me, you don't know how much power I have!' I yelled as my whole body turned golden and I started charging up a super mini tailed beast bomb. ' I am the 9 tailed jinchuriki! Super mini tailed beast bomb! you cant dodge this attack!' I said while Yoki jumped out of the way of the tailed beast bomb so I hit the floor and used substitution jutsu to not get hit by the explosion. 'time to try my new jutsu! Tailed beast shuriken!' I said as u put my hand up and a tailed beast bomb started charging up and taking the shape of the rasen-shuriken. 'Everyone, Quick get out of the room and get as far as you can this explosion can destroy a lot of the exam site!' Metal lee said while activating his first four gates so he could grab a few people and escort them. 'THIS IS THE END OF YOU YOKI! YOU WILL BE KILLED BY MY TAILED BEAST SHURIKEN! WHILE I WILL USE THE NINE TAILS BIJUU FORM TO HELP ME SURVIVE!' I screamed while I threw the huge tailed beast shuriken at yoki.

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