Love Misconceptions Chapter 1:

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Sooo, here's the first chappie! I hope you enjoy it! Let me know what you think, and don't forget to comment. Please vote! I appresiate everything! :D

Happy readings!



Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.

-Corinthians 13.


"What's going on? I don't understand! What's going on?!" I scream desperately, shaking my best friend, who is on the verge of being hysterical (as of me). "Tell me what's going on!"

She looks up at me, tears flooding her eyes. Her bottom lip trembling. She heaves in one deep breath before saying, "It's Will. It's Will!" she screams, letting out another loud wail.

My heart drops into my stomach. A tear softly trickles down my cheek. Will. No, it can't be. No!

"He's. . .” she wails loudly again. "He's gone, Kate. He's gone!"

My mind loses all consciousness. What could she mean "gone"? I didn't even want to think about what tragical events she could have meant. It was just the fact that she said that sentence; the sentence I dreaded most of ever being said by anyone. No, I think, no. It's all just a dream. . . It's just a dream. . . Someone please tell me this is a dream!. . .

Alas, it isn't. . .

My nightmares become my reality. The love of my life is gone. What am I to do now? My heart is cut, and I am bleeding. Will. How could you just leave me?! Or. . . Was it not your choice? The thought of that just deepens the cut; someone has just drove the knife father into my heart, my life.

I can't stop myself. My legs start moving, first in a fast walk, then they speed into a run. My best friend is behind me, screaming for me to come back and sobbing her eyes out. But I can't. I just keep running. Down the long Hall, out the massive front entrance, and off the campus of Springville Academy; out into the city of Ashford, North Carolina. I don't stop, I keep running to the subdivision I know too well for it not to be my own; I keep my racing pace until I'm on the property of the Edenburges'.

I stand on the sidewalk in front of Willie's house. I've lost it. The truth has finally settled in. I slowly stamper up the front steps and stare at the front door I have enjoyed seeing so many times before. This can't be happening, my heart softly whispers to me, please. Lord, please, when this door opens, please for William to stand in that doorway with that beautiful smile I love so much.

My trembling hand reaches for the doorbell and rings it. There is the soft pattern of footsteps on the inside, then the door slowly creeps open revealing a puffy-eyed, sniffling Jennifer Edenburge, Willie's slightly younger sister.

It must be true. But it can't. . .

I can't speak; my ability to speak has diminished to loud wails escaping from my mouth. But, somehow, I manage to stutter the words, "He's gone. . . " out of my now stiff jaw, from the petrified grin my shocked nerves have settled into the muscles in my face.

She takes me by the wrist and pulls me into the house. Will's parents appear out of nowhere, and suddenly I'm being pushed down on the large sofa in their rich living room. His mother, Annalisa, is rapping her arms around me, trying to calm me. His father, Thomas, sits beside me and softly pats me of the shoulder.

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