Chapter 2:

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Tada! Chapter 2! Enjoy!

Oh, did you guys like the link? Lol, I just love that song ;3



A firm, yet gentle hand rests on my shoulders and gently shakes me. "Katrina. Katrina, wake up." I hear the comforting, deep voice echo in my mind. . .

Willie! I fling my eyes open. I see Willie's beautiful, intensive blue eyes staring down at me. His perfect smile peering down at me. His jet-black, curly hair hanging slightly over his eyes.

"Willie!" I jump up and fling my arms around his neck.

Willie raps his arms around me, and squeezes me tightly, holding me close.

My eyes start to water again, and tears slowly leave them, resting themselves on Willie's shoulder. Willie holds me tighter, his grip on me strengthening. "What's wrong, Kate?" he slowly pulls me away from his shoulder. He takes one hand and gently wipes the tears flowing down my pale cheeks. I try to smile, to show that I'm just happy that he's here, but I don't. Instead, my tears increase by thousands, and Willie is left to hold me in his arms while I cry. "I'm so glad you're okay," I stifle after I've calmed down.

. . . BOOM! I hear a loud thud. Light flashes abruptly in my eyes. There's a soft pattern of falling rain. I jump up, whirling around the room.

He's gone. He was never really there. . . It. . . was just a dream. I sit there cross-legged on Willie's bed, staring out the window at the steadily falling rain. I sigh, my time with him during that dream was good while it lasted, but now it's over. I'm awake now, and there's no way I could fall asleep again with the sky drumming outside.

I slowly get up, walk over to Willie's guitar, and carefully pick it up. My fingers linger on the strings, his song replaying in my mind once again.

I decide I should better go back down stairs, I have no idea how long I've been up here. I set the guitar down, collect my letter, and head back down stairs (oh, and try to straighten out my hair a little). Once I get down there, everyone is gathered in the living room.

"Hello, sweetheart." Willie's mom welcomes me.

I give them all a weak smile as I take my seat on one of the large sofas.

Mr. Edenburge pats me on the shoulder. "Well, what did the letter say?"

I glance around at the urgent eyes pounding on me. What should I tell them? Willie didn't want me to tell them exactly why he had left, but I do think they might understand. . . Who am I kidding?! They're parents, even if they are more understanding than my mom, they wouldn't understand something like that!

"Nothing." I reply, holding the envelope tightly. "He said nothing about why he left."

The room is filled with astonished, hurt looks.

"What do you mean 'nothing'?!" Jennifer screams, leaning forward. "He said something and you know he did!" she hisses.

Mrs. Edenburge pulls Jennifer back and whispers something to her. Willie's dad clears his throat awkwardly. I sit there slumping in the sofa, my mind and heart racing. What am I going to do? They know Willie would say why, but. . . he really didn't. . .

"No," I say softly. "He really didn't say why." One more tear falls from my dark eyes.


Yes, yes. I see these are very short chapters, but they looked longer on my phone! But, believe me, they'll get longer. . . eventually. . .

Good? Bad? Okay? Please let me know! Vote! Comment! Thanks so much!

Next song: Simple Plan- Your Love Is Just A Lie. I love this song!! :D


I'm working on finding a cast. If you have any ideas/suggestions on people, let me know! I think I have someone for Kate and Nick, but I'm not sure about Willie. Hmmm...

Welp, ¡despedida! (Farewell in Spainish. Yay, I'm taking Spainish next year! Joy... I just hope I'll be able to understand what the crap's going on lol).

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