It's Always Been You | The Last Chapter

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So, I've decided to put this up a little more earlier since I know who got the most votes anyways.


"I dont know, Sky. But if I had to, I would choose Zack."

"That's a great choice, Summer." She says, as I nod.

That's not the truth. I didn't want to tell her that I would really choose Freddy. If I did, it would've made everything worse. I want to tell them face to face, not Sky screaming it out to the world.


I go downstairs with my luggages.

"You guys ready?" My mom asks.

"Yeah." Everyone says except me.

"You're going too Lilly?" Sabrina asks.

"Yep, I'm gonna become an actress."

"Umm, I dont think I'm ready. Can I stop by some places first?" I ask.

"Yeah of coarse." My mom says.

I leave my luggages and run to the door. I go to my car and drive to my location, Travis B Prep. When I arrived I went to Tomika.


"Summer?! I thought you were leaving today?!"

"I am, but I needed to tell some people some important stuff."

"What is it?"

"I know my choice."

"Really?! Who is it?!"

"It's always been him. It's always been him from the start. It's always been Freddy." Tomika hugs me.

"You made a great choice."

"Thanks. Now, do you know where they are?"

"Zack is most likely with Oliver at the studio and Freddy is most likely with Lawrence in the classroom."

"There's a studio here?!"

"Yeah, Zack's dad got it for any band here at school."

"There are more than 2 bands here at the school?!"

"Yes, now go! The studio is next to Principal Mullins office."

"Thanks Tomiks!" I said running down the hall to the studio.

I burst through the door and see Zack and Oliver.

"Summer?!" Oliver and Zack say surprised.

"Hey, guys. Can I, talk to, Zack, alone?" I ask trying to catch my breath.

"Yeah." Oliver left leaving with just me and Zack.

"So, I thought you were leaving today?"

"I am."

"So, why are you here?"

"Remember back in LA when you and Freddy asked me to choose?"


"I think I know my choice."


"And please do-"

"It's okay. You chose Freddy. It's always been him. It's been him from the start."

"I'm sorry Zack."

"It's okay. As long as we stay friends right?"

"Yeah, we will always be friends."

"Go, go find Freddy and tell him." I get up and head to the door.

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