Chapter 7

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***Point of View change warning**\

{Spencer's POV}

"Hey Spence, can I talk to you for a sec?" Brendon looks at me before getting up and walk over to the stairs. He has a worried look on his face and I don't think I like the look of it.

"Yeah, sure." I get up and follow him up the stairs. Once we reach his bedroom, he shuts the door behind him. He goes over and sits on the bed looking at the floor. "What's going on?" I ask trying to break the silence.

"I need your help to plan Hannah's twenty forth birthday party." He looks up at me. "But I need you to keep her gift from me a secret."

"Yes. Of course." I sense him relax a bit. "It's not like I would tell her."

"I don't mean her, of course you wouldn't tell her, her own birthday gift." He stands up and walks over to his dresser. He then starts digging through a pile of clothes. What he was looking for, I have no idea. "But I meant Eve or Ryan. I'll do that part."

"Um. Yeah. Okay." I wasn't really sure what he was going with. Or what he had gotten her, but it must be a big deal.

" it goes." Brendon says walking over to me..


{Genevieve's POV}

Brendon had told me about what he wanted to do for Hannah for her birthday. And to tell you the truth, I was pretty damn excited for her.

He had planned on a suprise party later on today. But I had to keep her busy. So what's better than spending a girls day at the mall? Ehh...a lot of things. But that's the best I could think of for her, okay?! But I think I did pretty damn good, since she was pretty damn excited.

We went to a few stores, most of which was Hot Topic. I think we spent most of our day there. But anyways! Now, we are in front of her house and the only car to be seen, was Brendon's. But I knew otherwise.

I had texted Brendon saying that we had arrived. And he responded almost right away say that it was alright to go in. I sighed in relief before I stepped out of the car.

{Back to Hannah's POV}

Today was fun. It was nice to spend some time with Genevieve, and even better now that our little issue was solved a few days ago.

Eve has been on her toes all day today, and I'm not exactly sure why. Yes, today is my birthday, but I still don't understand why she's so jumpy. I stepped out of the car, soon after, Eve did the same. I noticed that Brendon's car was in the driveway, and I couldn't help but smile.

"Okay." Eve stopped me from walking up to the door. "As you can see, Brendon's here, and let me tell you, he put up a huge fight to get you your birthday gift."

"I told you guys not to get me anything." I sighed.

"And when have we ever listened? Hmm?" She crossed her arms.


"Exactly. So your comment is invalid." She smile and turned on her heel, walking over to the door. I just roll my eyes and follow her. She opened the door a crack and peeked in before she looked back at me and smiled. I have no idea what she has planned inside, and I don't think that I really want to know.

Brendon put up a fight to get me my birthday gift... Knowing him it could be anything. Anything I tell you! He could have gotten me a wild tiger for Pete's sake. Not likely, but's Brendon we're talking about here.

Genevieve stepped inside and opened the door wider so I was able to walk in. But before I was able to place a foot in the door, I was overwhelmed with the sudden yelling of people on the other side of the door, "Surprise!"

*EDITING* Twisted Allegories {Book Two}Where stories live. Discover now