Chapter 17

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***I tried to get a picture of Brendon in his tux for this chapter, but my computer has been acting up lately... sorry guys***

"Hannah." I felt a pair of hands shake my shoulder. "Hannah, get up! You have to get ready." I turn over onto my other side and groan. The first time in months it seems, that I actually have a peaceful sleep and Kat has to go waking me up. Thank so much. I need at least another ten minutes. Please give me that much? "Hannah!" Crap.

"What?" I finally sit up, rubbing my eyes.

"Time to get ready for the wedding. That's what!" That second she grabs my wrist and yanks me out of bed, dragging me into the bathroom. "Take a shower and let me know when you're done." She then walks out of the bathroom, closing the door behind her. I sigh and start to strip of my clothes and step into the warm water from the shower.

As I get out, I grab one of the towels hanging on the rack and wrap it around myself. I walk out of the shower and hear Kat talking very loudly downstairs to who I'm guessing is Kara.

The stairs creaked every time I stepped down. I find Kat slumped over the counter in the kitchen, coffee in hand. "Alright Kat." That second, she perks up and smiles wide. Kara turns around and smiles also.

"Well, we are waiting on Breezy, Jaimee, and Genevieve to show up still." She says. "Lets at least get you into something more comfortable than a towel." She ushers me back upstairs into her bedroom. "Here, these will do." She tosses me a pair of shorts and a tank top. I auickly change into them and attempt to dry my hair a bit more.

"They're here!" Kara yells up to us.

We quickly go downstairs to find Breezy standing in the doorway with Jaimee and Genevieve behind her. "Don't just stand there! You're gonna let the bugs in! Come in!" Kat says, running over to close the door. After everyone said their 'hellos', Kat spoke up. "Alright ladies! Everyone in your dresses! Whether it's a bridesmaid dress or not!"

The girls disperse about the house, except for Kat. "Come on." And once again, brought me back upstairs. I swear I'm going to loose ten pounds just from this morning.

"Want me to help you with your dress?" I ask.

"That would be nice." She replies. She reaches into her closet and takes out the dark purple bridesmaid dress. She steps into it and attempts to zip it up herself. But I end up doing it for her. "Thanks."

"No problem. Now help me get into mine." I say. I grab my dress out of the closet as well. It wasn't that hard to get into. And it fit just as it did when I first tried it on in the store. Next was the hair and make-up. I didn't really want to have any of it done, but Kat insisted that I should we should do it anyways.

By the time we got downstairs, everyone else was already getting ready. They all turned their heads towards me and smiled.

"Beautiful!" Breezy squealed.

"You look really pretty." Jaimee and Genevieve said together.

"Thanks guys." I smile back.

"Now," Kat said when I sat down near her make-up and hair stuff. "What are we going to do with this magnificent hair of yours?"

"Whatever." I reply.

"Alright, I think I have an idea." She grabs the curling iron and starts to work on my hair.

{Brendon's POV}

"Come on Brendon!" Dallon shouted from outside the bathroom door. "I gotta pee!"

"Hold on a second, dude! I'm almost done!" I say, applying the finishing touches to my hair. I then open the door and Dallon rushes in past me. I chuckle to myself before walking into the living room where everyone else was.

"You look nice." Spencer smiles at me.

"Why thank you good sir." I reply. There was a knock at the door and Ryan went to go and open it. And on the other side of it was Patrick, Pete, Joe, and Andy. They were all also wearing a tux.

"Hey, sorry we couldn't make it to the party last night." Pete says.

"It's not a problem." I wave it off. And by this time, Dallon was already out of the bathroom.

"Are we ready to head out now then?" Ryan asks. Everyone nodded in agreement and we all walked out the door. We all took separate cars to the wedding pavilion. I had insisted we take fewer cars, but they didn't want to listen. So I ended up with Dallon, since he picked me up at my house last night.

Once we got there, I noticed it right away. There was a small gazebo right in front of the giant crystal clear Lamoille Lake. The mountains in the background were beautifully covered with different shades of greens. The view was magnificent. I don't think Kat could have picked a more beautiful spot to have the wedding. I've never actually been this far north in Nevada. Well, to this lake anyways.

Once we parked, everyone got out and started walking over. The benches set up around the gazebo, had ribbons tied around them so nicely. There were a few guests already there. We had said our hello's and just continued to talk. Then Breezy came running up to us with a clipboard in her hand. She looked beautiful with her white dress and heels.

"Alright guys," She says. "Kat wanted me to assign who you'll be walking with." She looks down at the clipboard. "Ryan, you will be walking Hannah down the isle."

"Yes." He said. "She told me yesterday." I could see him smile.

"Spencer, you are going to be walking down with Kat." He nods his head and Breezy keeps reading. "Patrick, with Jaimee. And Pete, with Genevieve." She looks back up at us and smiles. Dallon walks over to her and gives her a quick peck on the lips before standing next to me again. "Would you guys like to go see them?" Breezy asks them.

They agree and start walking towards the building where the girls were. "Don't worry, We'll keep you company." Joe says putting his arm around me. Dallon, Joe, Andy, and I all start walking over and sit on one of the benches, waiting for the ceremony to start.

{Hannah's POV}

"They're here ladies!" Breezy says walking in. And in walked Spencer, Patrick, Pete, and last but not least, Ryan.

"You look so beautiful!" Ryan walks over and hugs me.

"Thank you." I reply. "And you sir, are very handsome." I straighten Ryan's tie.

"I try." He says.

"Alright guys!" Kat says, trying to get everyone's attention. "If everything goes according to plan, it should start in about ten minutes."

Those ten minutes felt like two. I had butterflies in my stomach. "You'll be alright." Ryan reassures me.

We all start to walk out of the building and towards everyone else. Ryan and I hooked arms and he smiled at me. We were in the back as everyone walked. My heart raced faster and faster. I've been waiting for a long time for this. And its finally happening.

It was soon, Ryan and I's turn to walk down the isle. We got smiles and our picture taken as we did so. I looked up at Brendon and his face lit up with surprise and happiness. We finally reached the front and Brendon smiled even more.

"You look so beautiful." He whispered. I smiled in return.

We soon said our vows and exchanged rings. "You may now kiss your bride." Brendon had no hesitation to pull me towards him into a kiss. Everyone around us cheered. I couldn't help but smile.

***There you go guys! They are married! I'm not good with lovey dovey stuff so sorry if it sucked... Love you guys!

*EDITING* Twisted Allegories {Book Two}Where stories live. Discover now