Chapter 23

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***This is more of a personal chapter on Hannah's level. So you get to know how she had to deal with things.
And yes I have been informed that this is apparently like "every other fanfic" when it comes to the abusive "father/parents". Honestly I don't care. I wrote it the way I did for a reason and no I wasn't "copying" the idea from others.
Im sorry but I feel like that needs to be said.***

"So, where were we?" Brendon leans in closer to me.

"We were drinking coffee." I move away from him and quickly grab my coffee cup, taking a sip. I can see Brendons face slowly form a frown.


"Nope." I smile, chuckling. "You can wait, sweetie."

"But you started it!" Brendon crossed his arms like a child and made a pouty face. I laughed and took another sip of my coffee. I could see Brendon cracking a smile, before he burst out laughing as well. "Fine. I guess I'll wait." He smiles and kisses me on the cheek.

Once our laughing fit was over, I told Brendon that I was going to take a shower and headed upstairs. I walked into the bathroom and went right over to the mirror. I do have to admit, I looked a lot better than I did a few nights ago. The whole incident with my father crashing my wedding and the nightmare the other night really took a toll on me. I looked horrible. I had bags under my eyes from the loss of sleep, my hair was a mess, and my face was all red and puffy. But now, I notice that those bags are completely gone and my face is no longer red, nor puffy. I was pleased. It's amazing what a few hours of sleep can do to you. Well in my case, way more than a few hours of sleep.

I strip of my clothes and step into the shower. The warm water was soothing as it ran down my back.

I get out of the shower soon after and dry off, wrapping a towel around myself. I quickly go into the bedroom to get some clothes. I ended up deciding on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. And of course, my converse. I put my hair up into a bun and put on very little make-up before I considered myself ready.

As I walked downstairs, I hear Brendon talking to someone. The other voice was too soft to recognize until I entered the kitchen, where they were. I smiled when I saw Kara standing there.

"Hey!" She noticed me too and rushed over to engulf my into a hug. "I'm so happy to hear that you got some sleep finally. I was really starting to worry." She pulled away and smiled.

"Awe, you didn't have to worry about me, I'm fine." I reply.

"I know, but I just like to make sure." She says.

"Hey, so I'm going to head over to Ryan's house. To say goodbye and stuff before I have to go with Kat later." I say to both Brendon and Kara.

"I'll miss you." Brendon says.

"You'll have me all next week baby. Don't you worry." I say before walking over to the door. Kara followed me. She said that she needed to get home. I gave Brendon a kiss and headed towards my car.

I stepped into the car and soon drove down the street heading towards Ryan's house. There was more to the fact of me saying goodbye to Ryan for the week. I left a few things in my old room there that I was wanting to pick up. Some....sentimental things.

"Hey." Ryan says as he open the door.

"Hey, Ryan." I say. "I'm just here to pick up some stuff and to say bye to you before the honeymoon."

"Oh right. That's tomorrow." He replies. "Alright go ahead. I'll be in the music room if you need me." He smiles and walks off into another room. I close the front door behind me and hurry upstairs.

There really wasn't anything left in my old room. Except my bed and bedframe, and an old dresser. It just seems so bare now. I actually really miss this room. A lot of memories were stored here. Ryan had taken the deed to this house after the whole incident with my father killing our mother. Even though he was seventeen when he was given the house, he had a job that was paying him well and a few family members chipped in with payment of everything. I remember Ryan comforting me at night when our parents were arguing. I remember him playing with my toys with me to get my mind off of the situation we were put in. And the memory to this day that I still cry about, is when we found out our mother was killed, it was this room that I took comfort in. It was too painful to leave. I would only step out of the room to use the bathroom. Ryan would end up bringing me food and forcing me to eat it. I don't where I'd be now if it wasn't for Ryan's help. Actually, I know exactly where I'd be. Dead. By either my father, or from the depression from the loss of our mother.

I sigh as I step into my room and look around. I walk over to the closet and open it up to find a small cardboard box. Exactly what I was looking for. I kneel down and hesitate. Do I really want to open the box? Yes. I'm ready to. I slowly open the flaps of the box and peer inside. Sentimental things indeed. I found a tiny stuffed bear that Ryan gave me when I was about six years old. A music note necklace that Brendon gave me. The photos that Ryan asked me to hold onto, and a few other little things. I grab out the necklace and clipped it around my neck and letting it fall against my chest. I soon close the box back up and pick it up before heading back downstairs.

I walk into the music room to find Ryan playing his guitar. Once he saw me, he smiled and got up.

"Have what you came for?" He asked. I nod in agreement. "Well I guess this is goodbye. I won't be seeing or talking to you for another week." He had a saddened look about him.

"You've gone longer." I reply.

"True. But I didn't really have a choice there. You needed your space and I needed my space. Honestly, I don't think either of us wanted to talk to each other." He made a valid point.

"Well I should get going." I say, wrapping my arms around Ryan into a tight hug.

"Alright. Have fun. But not too much fun." Ryan winked at me.

"Oh, Ryan." I chuckled. He laughed and closed the door as I exited his house and walked back over to my car. I put the box into the trunk and got into the drivers seat.

I was supposed to hang out with Kat right about now. But I didn't really want to. I don't want to be rude though. And I know that she's my best friend, but I just wasn't in the mood for going anywhere else. I decided to text her saying that I wasn't up to going anywhere. She replied back to my text almost immediately saying that it was fine. I then pull out of Ryan's driveway and head home. There was a lot of packing to do. And to tell you the truth. I was not excited for it. Packing is the worst part. But it all works out in the end.

Our honeymoon starts tomorrow. I cannot wait.

*EDITING* Twisted Allegories {Book Two}Where stories live. Discover now