Chapter 30 {Brendon's POV}

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***We are already at 30 chapters guys! Lets be excited! Woo! *parties by myself* This is one of the very last chapters of this book.
I just want to say a few things before this chapter starts. First, A huge shout out to the fabulous @yesbands for creating the new cover for this! I thank you so so much! IT's perfect! cx
And lastly, Far Too Young To Die has over 70k reads. And this has over 40k. I cannot thank you guys enough for your support throughout this story. It means so much to me, you have no idea. Even in my darkest days, seeing someones comment and saying that they love my writing, is just amazing. When I first started writing this story, I had plans of how I wanted this to go, and it's better than I ever imagined. All because of you. I love all of you. The ones who have stuck with my crazy self throughout it all, the off and on readers and supporters, even my fabulous readers that just started reading. I can't thank you guys enough for everything you've done. I look back to how much I've excelled in writing. And all because of your support. I'm sorry that this is so long, but it needed to be said. Thank you guys so much again. I love you all.

P.S~ You may hate me towards the ending. You may not. That's on you. Just know that I love Sarah dearly and I DO NOT wish any harm upon her in real life at all.***

I want to tell Hannah, I really do. But I can't help but to hear Sarahs voice in the back of my head. 'She still hasn't recognized who I am. I suggest you keep it that way, or you'll regret it.' As soon as Hannah went into the bedroom, I felt like my heart shattered. I sat down on the floor with my back to the wall and held my knees to my chest. What have I done? Now all because I feared Sarahs words, Hannah is upset with me. Maybe this is what she wanted. Maybe she wanted me to loose my mind. Maybe she wanted Hannah to get upset at me and leave. This was her plan all along, wasn't it?


About an hour and a half later, I was in the same spot on the floor. My eyes hurt from wiping away tears so many times. But I decide to pick myself up. I need to find Hannah and explain everything to her. Then we can get Sarah out of here so we can enjoy the rest of our honeymoon. I hope she isn't too upset. I feel like I ruined it for her. Everything is ruined. Our wedding was ruined. Now our honeymoon. Is this a sign of something? Not that I'd ever pay attention to it. Hannah means the fucking world to me. And nothing could change that. I just...I don't know what's going on. And I don't like it. Why? Why is this happening? A better question, why the fuck was Sarah discharged from that mental hospital? She's the reason this is happening. She's the reason I'm acting like this. She's the reason Hannah is upset with me. Its all her godamn fault. This time, Shes not going to get away. I'm going to end this once and for all.

I quickly get dressed into some black skinny jeans, and a white button up tee. And I toss on my fancy, yet not so fancy shoes. I don't know what the hell to call them. My hair has seen better days, but I decide to leave it the way it was. I didn't have anymore time to waist.

I sigh before grabbing my key card. I hope everything between Hannah and I will be okay. I can't stand to see her like this. And she's like this because of me. And I let Sarah get to me. Fucking Sarah. As I place my hand upon the door handle, I hear a great big thud. It sounded not too far from the room either. Panic flooded my emotions. What happened? What was that? I slowly and carefully open the door to peek outside. I couldn't see what was going on unless I stuck my whole head outside, into the hallway. And I didn't want to do that in case it was Sarah.

And that's when I heard her speak.  "Always choosing to go the hard way." Her evil laugh rang through my ears. "Let's get her to the room, boys. Hurry it up." She says. Her? To what room? My eyes widen. Please tell me she doesn't have Hannah. I can't let her do this.

*EDITING* Twisted Allegories {Book Two}Where stories live. Discover now